Sunday, February 25, 2018

Dealing with the Two-Headed Dragon of the Internet

The Internet is like a Two-Headed Dragon with one head as the greatest library-of-everything in the history of humanity, and the other head as the greatest filthy swamp of lies, crime, and pornography in the history of humanity.

As a thought experiment, think of the United States and China as dealing with the Two-Headed Dragon from different sides of "freedom" yet on the same eventual swing toward an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, which I think will inevitably happen in both countries. Why? Because human nature remains as it has always been, kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection. China and the United States are not ethnically uniform and fierce competition between distinctly different groups and regions will happen, as happened in the Soviet Union.

By any traditional definition of destruction, the Two-Headed Dragon and the Big Media have been destroying American culture and the American people, even as great new technology is developing, and if we don't want totalitarian fascism on the left or the right to put up a great firewall of censorship, as China has done, then rather than either the Two-Headed Dragon, or totalitarian censorship, I would prefer to apply our energy toward legally adapting and transforming our constitutional separation of powers, states, and regions into an ethnopluralism of ethnostates.

If one ethnostate wants to set up another Sodom and Gomorrah they could do so, but other ethnostates could set up firewalls of censorship that would, for the most part, protect them from the filth---at least while they wait for the degenerate state to inevitably fall. The main job of federalism would be to protect the independence of the ethnostates from each other and from foreign powers.

Do you have a better idea that relates to real human nature?

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