Saturday, December 02, 2017

What Is Deep Conservatism?

Only Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul, and now President Donald Trump have tried to stop the Republican Party Scam (and of course stop the leftist cabal) which has done nothing much to even slow affirmative action, multiculturalism, gay marriage, immigration, and the wars promoted by the all-powerful Wall Street/Israeli/Saudi lobbies. A large percentage of Republican Party elected officials nation-wide refused to endorse Trump against Hillary.

Traditional conservatives, especially of the Southern branch, would have preferred to have the agrarian republic that Jefferson wanted (minus the slavery), and so would I, rather than the centralized travesty we now have, but even that doesn't define Deep Conservatism. We need to go deeper into the biological and genetic origin of most of our social behavior if we really want to conserve America, and Traditional conservatives would rather not go there.

Even the smallest change in our human nature, for example, in our immune system, took hundreds of thousands of years (now we have genetic engineering which is more rapid) yet we all remain kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection. Deep conservatism affirms these things.

Deep conservatism points toward the political/cultural solution of ethnopluralism, which very few Traditional conservatives will talk about. It is a conservative transformation---not revolution---which will bring about an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, where different ethnic groups can politically and culturally conduct themselves the way they want to in their own states within our Democratic Republic, perhaps with only a few amendments to the constitutional separation of powers and states. We will need to retain federalism and balance the states together to protect the independence of the ethnostates, and because we need the geopolitical heft of a large nation to defend ourselves in the big world.

Deep conservatism is the political/cultural philosophy most in harmony with real human nature. Rational and instinctive channeling of human nature and human drives, education, and culture in general needs to move in the direction of deep conservatism and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates...Empires always fall back to ethnostates.

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