Saturday, December 09, 2017

Media Power

John Lukacs writes of the history and power of books but not so much about the control of publishing and the media, which began at least with the printing press 500 years ago and soon had the power to bring down the aristocracy and usher in democracy.

Not much has changed. Those who control movies and television are being superseded by those who control the internet, but the new guys have the same power to bring down what's left of traditional life even though the internet at first looked like it would be very independent from the old media power.

The age of books, television and movies may be changing but the cultural-social-political power that comes from controlling the media is the same. The old wise men didn't warn us about this---powerful new technology is hard to predict.

Personally I am a patriotic American who defends my country. I believe that my religious philosophy, theological materialism, along with political speculations on ethnopluralism, are in harmony with my patriotism. I think the constitutional separation of powers and states in the U. S. can legally and conservatively lend itself to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates without radical revolution. I believe the West needs to revive along these lines in a rebirth so that we can get on with the sacred task of evolving to Godhood---and the rest of the world can join us if they agree.

But media power is needed.

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