Thursday, December 14, 2017

The cultural zoo

It seems to me that the cultural zoo we have today is mainly the result of the attempt to abandon the biological origin of gender differences, heterosexual marriage, and the reproduction and survival of children in families. Those biologically evolved things largely explain the evolution of gender differences and the success of protector males and nurturing females in the survival and raising of children in traditional families. Human traditions were evolved around those traits.

The cultural zoo we now live in has tried to change those biologically and psychologically grounded traits, but they cannot really be blocked because they are deeply biologically derived. I am not against birth control, and not even against genetically engineering healthier children, but the fact is that such things as birth control pills, radical feminism, transgenderism, and all the nonsense of postmodernism have promoted the blocking or irrelevance of gender differences, heterosexual marriages, and the reproduction and survival of children in families.

Since the corrupt Big Media was totally on the side of the cultural zoo (or even the originators of it) the zoo has been quite successful in turning traditional culture into the mess we have today. The rotting doors of our culture have now been swung open, but ironically it will probably be some form of biologically-grounded traditional culture, fundamentalist religion, or fascism on the left or right, etc., which will enter and clean out the stables, making room for the new postmodern inmates.

That seems to be the reality of human history.

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