Thursday, December 28, 2017

Can we recover?

I could probably now make the broad statement that since the 1960's most college educated Americans have been destroyed by the brainwashing of cultural Marxism, and what college didn't destroy the Big Media did, which means these people are virtually useless for saving the nation.

So now we have soccer moms and dads feminizing there sons and masculating (?) their daughters even though the genders are in fact quite different and largely genetically determined. Nerds can fight wars behind computer terminals, although any serious threats still require the super-masculine special forces.

"Bullying" has become the trendy social cause for soccer moms. As far as I remember there was always a playground code of never allowing someone to pick on someone smaller, although weak effort was called out in no uncertain terms. Busing ghetto kids to the suburb or vice versa is probably the main bullying problem, but it is politically incorrect to say so.

So here we sit. There was still enough votes from the unindoctrinated folks to elect Donald Trump, who promised economic nationalism and other conservative things, but the demographics of the open-border degenerates could soon stop that movement.

Can we recover? Perhaps we will only be able to pick up the pieces of real conservative behavior left over after the fall. But that could be good, especially if the next time we create the deep conservatism of an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, which the constitutional separation of powers and states could legally accommodate.

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