Tuesday, December 26, 2017

If liberals want peace and harmony they are going to have to learn tolerance of ethnic or group-selection

Even as imperialism, colonialism, and racial supremacy are disfavored, an ethnopluralism of ethnostates requires a more natural and realistic kind of tolerance and respect for other groups and other ethnic cultures, which is so necessary in our crowded competitive world.

It is like courageously looking into a political abyss and seeing the lighted way out. Modern liberal tolerance needs to include affirming ethnic and group selection, which is not the same as the unworkable "egalitarian" multiculturalism. Given real human nature, which remains kin and ethnic-selecting, liberal tolerance can then define an ethnopluralism of ethnostates as the most natural and most equitable social structure for humans beings to live within.

Such things as imperialism, colonialism, and racial supremacy are not best countered by cultural Marxism, fascism, or world theocracies, which create intolerant totalitarian regimes, and do not correspond to real human nature. Such supremacist racial schemes as Aryan nobleness or Jewish chosenness were developed by geniuses at exploiting one people advancing at the cost of another, which greatly damaged the tolerance and respect needed for the natural behavior of group and ethnic selection.

Basic group-selecting human nature and behavior has been transmitted genetically and socially since hunter gatherer times. As E.O. Wilson put it, "Within groups, selfish individuals beat altruistic individuals, but groups of altruists beat groups of selfish individuals." Liberals need to realize that those successful groups are mainly genetically related, which is at the origin of altruism.

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