Sunday, December 31, 2017
Cook, Zuckerberg, Globalism, and the limits of altruism
The globalism and universalism promoted
by the techie-turned-billionaires Tim Cook of Apple and Zuckerberg of Facebook, who are the new
effete version of robber barons, is based on a fusion of
libertarianism and cultural Marxism, which means their globalism is
based on a faulty view of human nature.
Altruism, supposedly the selfless
concern for the well-being of others, is in reality based on a
hierarchical genetic scale of caring for others, beginning
strongest with kin, and moving out to ethnic group, region, state,
nation, and at the weakest end of altruism: globalism. That is why
the various attempts at empire building and universalism don't last
long and do not bring harmony or peace---even universal religions
couldn't bring harmony or peace for the same reason.
Global harmony and peace will not come
from Cook/Apple/Zuckerberg/Facebook because their bonding "goals"
are at the weakest and virtually unworkable end of the hierarchy of
altruism. Cook and Zuckerberg push the global "human
rights" of libertarian/cultural Marxism because they benefit most from them,
which is why they promote their faulty altruism, although the
dissolute Cook at least seems naively unconscious of this.
What will bring the best chance
for peace and harmony in the world is a political/cultural solution
based in a realistic understanding of altruism and the
hierarchy of altruism, and its limits. That is, large empires, large nations, and now
global corporations eventually devolve back to localism and an
ethnopluralism of ethnostates, in line with real human nature. That is the direction we need to go in.
Saturday, December 30, 2017
The placement of money, sex, and power?
Nietzsche made power the end-goal, Marx
(communist) and Mises (libertarian) made money the end-goal, Freud
made sex the end-goal, with other thinkers making "happiness"
their end-goal, etc..
There is nothing wrong with money, sex,
and power, but there is something wrong with making them the end-goal
of life.
Religion rightly made God the end-goal,
but their God was non-material and spiritual rather than
supermaterial, and that end-goal was experienced as an inward state
of bliss, or Father-Within, reached by blocking or detaching
themselves from power, sex or money, at least by serious
ascetics---small bliss replaced by large bliss but on the same
hedonistic continuum.
The end-goal of theological materialism
is to evolve in the material world to supermaterial Godhood, where
money, sex or power, and culture in general, are subordinate yet
important aids in attaining that sacred end-goal.
Human nature harmoniously corresponds
to this hierarchy of values and morals, with life materially
activated from within to evolve toward the zenith of successful
survival, which is supermaterial Godhood, while interacting with outside
changes from natural selection and ongoing evolution.
Friday, December 29, 2017
Is there a religious way out of the hedonism of most ascetics?
When God was defined as not material,
spiritual, and not of this world, that led to the idea that life is
only meant not to suffer, and not-suffering is attained by way of
detachment from the material world because desires bring suffering. That is the hedonistic position
held by most ascetics, although they don't put it quite that way.
The Vedas, Buddha and Christ defined
satisfaction as basically the ascetic cessation of suffering caused
by the material world of material desires seeking satisfaction. Their God was a blissfully inward God reached only by way of the cessation of desires.
"A thousand pleasures do not compensate for one pain," said a hedonistic Petrarch, which could have been the theme song of traditional religious gurus.
"A thousand pleasures do not compensate for one pain," said a hedonistic Petrarch, which could have been the theme song of traditional religious gurus.
But when you define Godhood as in and
of the material world and reached only through material and
supermaterial evolution, then life and the world are seen as more
than suffering.
That is the difference between
traditional theology and theological materialism. The first is
thoroughly pessimistic the second is thoroughly optimistic.
Life has no purpose if life is seen
only as suffering needed to be blocked or detached from.
Godhood can be attained by the pains
and pleasures of rising material evolution, which brings purpose back
to life, and not merely death.
Even so, we can conservatively retain those first attempts at defining Godhood as we transform them, which is the Twofold Path.
Even so, we can conservatively retain those first attempts at defining Godhood as we transform them, which is the Twofold Path.
Thursday, December 28, 2017
Can we recover?
I could probably now make the broad
statement that since the 1960's most college educated Americans have
been destroyed by the brainwashing of cultural Marxism, and what
college didn't destroy the Big Media did, which means these people
are virtually useless for saving the nation.
So now we have soccer moms and dads
feminizing there sons and masculating (?) their daughters even though
the genders are in fact quite different and largely genetically
determined. Nerds can fight wars behind computer terminals, although
any serious threats still require the super-masculine special forces.
"Bullying" has become the
trendy social cause for soccer moms. As far as I remember there was
always a playground code of never allowing someone to pick on someone
smaller, although weak effort was called out in no uncertain terms.
Busing ghetto kids to the suburb or vice versa is probably the main
bullying problem, but it is politically incorrect to say so.
So here we sit. There was still enough
votes from the unindoctrinated folks to elect Donald Trump, who
promised economic nationalism and other conservative things, but the
demographics of the open-border degenerates could soon stop that
Can we recover? Perhaps we will only be
able to pick up the pieces of real conservative behavior left
over after the fall. But that could be good, especially if the next
time we create the deep conservatism of an ethnopluralism of
ethnostates, which the constitutional separation of powers and states
could legally accommodate.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
For the new year and beyond: finding the new everything
In this blog the new Darwinism
is scientific selection added to natural selection. The new
mysticism is to be conscious of the identity of the material
activation within life to evolve in the material world to
supermaterial Godhood. The new religious philosophy is theological materialism. The new conservatism which
retains past traditions even as they are transformed is
deep conservatism. The new political philosophy is ethnopluralism. The new art philosophy is evolutionary realism. And the projected new church which affirms the new everything is
the Theoevolutionary Church...That's probably enough for any megalomaniac to work with for the new
year and beyond. A little help might not hurt the cause.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
If liberals want peace and harmony they are going to have to learn tolerance of ethnic or group-selection
as imperialism, colonialism, and racial supremacy are disfavored, an
ethnopluralism of ethnostates requires a more natural and realistic
kind of tolerance and respect for other groups and other ethnic
cultures, which is so necessary in our crowded competitive world.
It is
like courageously looking into a political abyss and seeing the
lighted way out. Modern liberal tolerance needs to include
affirming ethnic and group selection, which is not the same as the
unworkable "egalitarian" multiculturalism. Given real
human nature, which remains kin and ethnic-selecting, liberal
tolerance can then define an ethnopluralism of ethnostates as the
most natural and most equitable social structure for humans beings to
live within.
Such things as
imperialism, colonialism, and racial supremacy are not best countered
by cultural Marxism, fascism, or world theocracies, which create
intolerant totalitarian regimes, and do not correspond to real human
nature. Such supremacist racial schemes as Aryan nobleness or Jewish
chosenness were developed by geniuses at exploiting one people
advancing at the cost of another, which greatly damaged the tolerance
and respect needed for the natural behavior of group and ethnic
group-selecting human nature and behavior has been transmitted
genetically and socially since hunter gatherer times. As E.O. Wilson
put it, "Within groups, selfish individuals beat altruistic
individuals, but groups of altruists beat groups of selfish
individuals." Liberals need to realize that those successful groups are
mainly genetically related, which is at the origin of altruism.
Saturday, December 23, 2017
The "real self" is the activation to life from within
The "real self" is the activation to life from within, here called Tirips. All the
traditional religions, in there most serious modes, have asked us to
deny that activation to life and have declared that the way to
salvation is to renounce the desires of the flesh. And they furthermore
say that desirelessness is "pure knowing." Knowing what, we
may ask? Knowing non-existence, knowing the opposite of life. That is
a macabre knowledge to claim. It is life turned on its head.
Even so, we human beings began the
search for God that way and that Inward Path can be conservatively
retained as having been the first attempt to find real Godhood, which
is reached in the Outward Path by way of the very material evolution
hedonistically renounced by the early gurus. This is the Twofold Path
of theological materialism.
The canon of the traditional (Catholic)
Mass, according to Coomaraswamy and many others, consists of parts
instituted by Christ Himself, with a few sacred prayers added by the
Apostles. The Inward God is reached in this Mass. But in reaching
real Godhood tradition and material evolution flow together. We evolve in the material world to supermaterial Godhood. A
new or combined Mass of Joy for the Evolutionary Outward Path to Godhood
is needed.
Friday, December 22, 2017
Religion can be more hopeful than blocking the desires of life
Buddha and Christ (and Schopenhauer)
seem to have viewed life as constant suffering relieved only when the
desires of the flesh could be successfully blocked. God or Godhood,
Nirvana and Heaven were defined as outside of time and change in a
non-material spiritual world. No wonder religion has gradually
declined---but it need not have.
I find no real distinction between the
thing-in-itself and material phenomenon. There is nothing outside of
material time and change, not even Godhood. Godhood is the zenith of
material and supermaterial evolution. This offers more hope to man
than the complete extinction of all that we define as life.
Bergson said, "The universe is a
machine for making gods." Theological materialism would agree
with that as being life-affirming and far more hopeful for the modern world and future worlds. It is also real.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Not the first and not the last things
The beginning of things and the ending
of things are not anthropomorphic, as the birth and death of humans.
The great dynamic flow of evolution goes on endlessly, sometimes seen
as moving in cycles by humans, and sometimes not.
Humans are not pawns of evolution and
history, but the free choices we can make are made within a general
determinism. Human social behavior is mainly
biologically derived. Both freedom and determinism are part of human
history. Evolution makes both might and right.
My own part in this dynamic of ongoing
evolution has been to develop theological materialism, influenced by
the Vedas, the Bible, Darwin, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, E.O.Wilson,
Russell Kirk, Raymond Cattell, and many others.
In the long term religion, philosophy, culture, and politics are one. The
beginning of first things and the ending of last things are not
really first or last things, they are part of the ongoing evolution
of material life toward supermaterial Godhood.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
How the "ghost in the machine" is not a ghost
Activation does not come from a state
of total contentment. Life strives because it lacks something that
it desires. Activation is relative to the deficiency which the
activation seeks to remove.
I think this activation of life, which
is related to metabolism and reproduction, can be defined in its
deepest essential striving as the activation to evolve in the
material world all the way to supermaterial Godhood, the ultimate
success in survival. Of course this evolution includes outside natural selection.
Evolving to Godhood redeems the endless
activation and striving. But like all life, Godhood may become
metabolistically and reproductively unsatisfied or "bored"
and therefore is activated from within to evolve on to the next level
of Godhood, endlessly.
"Every satisfied desire gives
birth to a new one" Schopenhauer as pessimistic Buddhist said,
but I think the activation to evolve in the material world all the
way to supermaterial Godhood is a healthier way to justify religion
than to hedonistically advocate blocking desires so as to end the
striving that causes the suffering.
Otherwise there may not be "life."
Monday, December 18, 2017
You want compassion and altruism, here is the way you get it
It seems to me that religion and
philosophy were fundamentally based in the mistaken notion that man
is egoistic, selfish, and a material object, and so therefore
compassion and altruism must be spiritual, abstract, and
Neo-Darwinism eventually explained
compassion and altruism---even Darwin had problems understanding
them, as did philosophers of egoism like Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.
So compassion and altruism were relegated by these thinkers to
non-material, abstract, spiritual realms, where I suppose priests and
philosophers could better control them, or get rid of them in
Nietzsche's case.
As quoted the other day, sociobiologist E. O. Wilson showed that within groups
selfish individuals beat altruistic individuals, but groups of
altruists beat groups of selfish individuals. So compassion and
altruism are very much materially-grounded, genetically-determined,
and altruism don't need mistaken abstract notions to explain
themselves, they need kin and group-selection to explain and
perpetuate themselves. Human beings are kin-centered and
ethnocentric and over time that became a basic part of human nature
because it helped humans survive and reproduce successfully.
also explains why universal religions and ideologies don't work very
well pushing a universal compassion and altruism that is naturally
constrained to kin and ethnic groups and not much beyond that, other
than in rare emergency survival conditions.
than trying to hang on to compassion and altruism by inventing
abstract-spiritual-universal forms, human beings must soon be ready
to admit that what they need to do is organize themselves into an
ethnopluralism of ethnostates, where real
compassion and altruism have a chance of existing.
and philosophy can then rise to affirming the evolution of material
life toward supermaterial Godhood, beginning within thousands of ethnostates...
You want compassion and altruism, that is the way you get it.
Sunday, December 17, 2017
Nerd communication skills
As my readers know I have an almost
nerdish obsession in my writing with being very succinct and trying to make
complicated things simple, which seems to be the opposite of the miscommunications of the nerds, who have been enjoying an almost chic acceptance since the dawn
of the computer age. This may be one of the reason why I have about
lost patience with nerd communication skills. I think the best
advice a writer (or any kind of communicator) can get is that writing should
illuminate, not obfuscate, which I think came from one of the early
modernist poets, of all people.
If the nerd is actually unable
to be understood due to obsessions caused by, say, the Asperger
syndrome, that could be given consideration. Even so, a natural
selection process should be taking place where the nerds who do learn
to communicate are chosen and those who cannot are allowed to remain
in there cubicles.
This is one more example of why
traditional conservatism is better than libertarianism. Laissez faire
can be inspiring but there comes a time when it
becomes negatively indulgent. I think the general libertarianism in
the U.S.A. has allowed the nerds to expect or even demand that
others to do the work they should be doing themselves to be
understood, which is just plain selfish behavior...The truly great minds were great largely because they made formerly complicated things simple.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Transnationalism and multiculturalism do not follow naturally from any kind of politics

The postmodernists were right in seeing
the will to power of ethno-racial groups behind class struggles, but
being Marxist they were wrong to side only with the minorities in
blaming the whites for everything. Ethno-racial causes have always
been disguised behind cultural creations because that is how human
nature works---even the Bolshevik communist leadership who radically
took over Russia were largely Jewish.
National Anthems, the Flag, the Pledge
of Allegiance, and Creeds are very important but they will not alone
make peace and order among naturally competing ethno-racial groups.
Human nature doesn't work that way. Transnationalism,
multiculturalism, and open borders are bringing the hispanicization
of America and the Islamization of Europe. Any real order and peace
possible will come when we develop an ethnopluralism of ethnostates.
The constitutional separation of powers and states could accommodate
this one day in the U.S. A. That should not be considered a politically incorrect idea, it could give all groups hope.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
The cultural zoo
It seems to me that the cultural zoo we
have today is mainly the result of the attempt to abandon the
biological origin of gender differences, heterosexual marriage, and
the reproduction and survival of children in families. Those
biologically evolved things largely explain the evolution of gender
differences and the success of protector males and nurturing females
in the survival and raising of children in traditional families.
Human traditions were evolved around those traits.
The cultural zoo we now live in has
tried to change those biologically and psychologically grounded
traits, but they cannot really be blocked because they are deeply
biologically derived. I am not against birth control, and not even
against genetically engineering healthier children, but the fact is
that such things as birth control pills, radical feminism,
transgenderism, and all the nonsense of postmodernism have promoted the
blocking or irrelevance of gender differences, heterosexual
marriages, and the reproduction and survival of children in families.
Since the corrupt Big Media was totally
on the side of the cultural zoo (or even the originators of it) the
zoo has been quite successful in turning traditional culture into the
mess we have today. The rotting doors of our culture have now been
swung open, but ironically it will probably be some form of biologically-grounded traditional culture, fundamentalist religion, or fascism on the left or
right, etc., which will enter and clean out the stables, making room
for the new postmodern inmates.
That seems to be the reality of human history.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
"The Crown" as disguised hatred
I tell you, Peter Morgan, the creator
and screenwriter of the Netflix series, "The Crown," hates
the English monarchy and aristocracy, but his hatred is hidden
beneath sarcasm, irony, and beautiful old buildings---and we
Americans are so besotted by the English aristocracy that we give him
Emmy Awards for his attack.
Morgan doesn't really understand, or
hates, the character, tone, and guiding beliefs of the monarchy and
its Christian ethos, although I suppose it's only natural if he
prefers the eye for an eye perspective of his own Jewish heritage
(see his skewing of hillbilly American evangelist Billy Graham and
the idea of Christian forgiveness.)
Morgan's favorite character is
obviously the lost and decadent Princess Margaret, but, for example,
even with her we are shown what looks like horse shit on the ground as
she moves toward her limousine wearing her white wedding dress.
And this series will go on and on....
This is how the West falls admiring the
work of those who destroy it.
Freedom of the press in the West, from
books and movies to politics, really has become a cloak for those who
rise to power by way of the destruction of Western culture. Defense
of the West is called hate speech! Will the small set of narrow
exceptions to free speech
protection have to be expanded if the West wants to survive?
Monday, December 11, 2017
The new deep conservatism now dawning across the West
Cultural Marxism has taken over our
schools since the 1960's and promoted multiculturalism and
universalism, which are an abstract intellectual view of life that
have nothing to do with real human nature.
The push for multiculturalism and
universalism are usually a disguise (at least among the leaders) for
the will to power of one culture or ethnic group over another. Humans
can be as devious as they are a wise species.
Even so, it is natural behavior and a
basic part of human nature to prefer ones own kind, so why is that
now called bigoted and defined as politically incorrect?
Conservatives don't like to talk about it, which is probably why the
Alt-right has risen.
Cultural Marxism, egalitarian
multiculturalism, and universalism have caused destabilization and
disorder in our societies, which can only be fixed when we return to
conservative localism and regionalism, where natural kin and group
preferences allow a more natural social order.
Our Constitution wisely calls for the
separation of powers and states, which has been abused by the will to
power of people seeking dominance over all other groups, disguised as
egalitarian multiculturalism.
An ethnopluralism of
ethnostates or regions, in harmony with real human nature, needs to
be established legally in the United States, where natural kin and
ethnic group preferences can allow a more natural social order. This can work
well with our constitutional separation of powers and states, even if
it requires a few constitutional amendments to give more power to the
states and regions.
This is the new deep conservatism now dawning across the West.
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Swamp or Nothing?
Business schools and political science
departments are really teaching (brainwashing) their students to do
anything to attain wealth and fame, which they disguise as
postmodernism and libertarian philosophy.
A recent notorious example of this sort
of thing was the choice actresses had to make of sexually appeasing
demonic Hollywood producers, or returning to the impoverished small
towns many of them came from.
Super-individualism and hedonism proceed
from postmodernism and libertarianism, which is dressed up to look
like egalitarian modern liberalism, where everyone has the equal
right to do or be anything they want to be, since there is no human
nature, there is only infinitely malleable human behavior.
This cultural sickness has got to
change if we want to save the West. Real human nature has almost
nothing to do with what business schools, political science
departments, postmodernism, and libertarianism are teaching.
Real human nature remains gender defined, heterosexual,
ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among other traditional things, with
group-selection as the primary unit of successful
selection and
survival---super-individualism and hedonism do not much apply.
It is a conservative and bio-political transformation---not revolution---that is coming,
eventually, a legal return to real human nature, which can bring
about an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, where different ethnic groups
can politically and culturally conduct themselves according to who they actually are, in their own states within our Democratic Republics, perhaps with
only a few amendments to our constitutional separation of powers and
Mocked and dwindling
traditionalism and conservatism still cling to at least some of these
human traits, but so does the brilliant science of sociobiology, and
it is from here that the real saving of the West will come.
Saturday, December 09, 2017
Media Power
John Lukacs writes of the history and
power of books but not so much about the control of
publishing and the media, which began at least with the printing
press 500 years ago and soon had the power to bring down the
aristocracy and usher in democracy.
Not much has changed. Those who control
movies and television are being superseded by those who control the
internet, but the new guys have the same power to bring down what's
left of traditional life even though the internet at first looked
like it would be very independent from the old media power.
The age of books, television and movies
may be changing but the cultural-social-political power that comes
from controlling the media is the same. The old wise men didn't warn
us about this---powerful new technology is hard to predict.
Personally I am a patriotic American
who defends my country. I believe that my religious philosophy,
theological materialism, along with political speculations on
ethnopluralism, are in harmony with my patriotism. I think the
constitutional separation of powers and states in the U. S. can
legally and conservatively lend itself to an ethnopluralism of
ethnostates without radical revolution. I believe the West needs to
revive along these lines in a rebirth so that we can get on with the
sacred task of evolving to Godhood---and the rest of the world can
join us if they agree.
But media power is needed.
Friday, December 08, 2017
Tradición Perenne sites
https://translate. translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&ie= UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate. en&u=http://traditioperennis. com/drupal/node/4631&usg= ALkJrhiGiOYaHAthCvKiPrtjV9PdPj RfYw
Not Traditional
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