Sunday, May 24, 2015

Why traditional Christians need not reject modern human progress

Paleoconservatives tend to look with scorn at the idea of human progress and believe history was at its zenith with the birth, life and death of Jesus and they believe humans can and should regress to that event and call that the only progress. Really?

Christian civilization grew on the misinterpretations of the ascetic religious philosophy of Jesus. Brilliant Christian philosophers adapted the completely Inward Path of Jesus to fit outward social behavior. The real Jesus simply had no time for the “city of man” other than to show people how to escape it. Jesus preached the Inward Path to the God or Father Within only, which required rejecting all material desires. The social ethics of Jesus were negatively related to that anti-materialism. That anti-materialism is what defined “progress” to Jesus.

This is where the later radical rejection of the Renaissance and the Enlightenment came from, which has been perhaps the greatest error of traditional Christianity. Why? Because science and the idea of evolutionary progress are aids in the evolution of material and supermaterial life toward real Godhood in the Outward Path, which was only symbolically experienced in the Inward Path of the traditional religions of Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and others---the Inward Path is retained but transformed in the Twofold Path.

Traditional Christians need not reject modern human progress, real Godhood lies ahead at the zenith of material evolution.

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