Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Ethnopluralism Not Imperialism

The basic and powerful principle of self-determinism of individuals and groups rooted in biology makes the various forms of imperialism and colonialism always decline and fall. And so empires tend to be tyrannical.

We need to work with, not against, the self-determinism of different ethnic cultures and not try to force them into one motley multicultural cauldron of trouble, as we are now seeing in 2015 America.

The global business elite have been trying to destroy differences across the globe and trying to herd all groups into one lower class, while destroying the middle class, which has usually been the class to conservatively hold on to the best of the past.

Then increased numbers in the lower class tend to become more angry, and the upper class tends to become decadent, often leading to radical revolution, the opposite of the order needed for successful survival and evolution.

I like the term “ordered evolution” better than the term “ordered liberty” preferred by the conservative middle-class. It is not enough to go back, reclaim, conserve, important as that is, we need to also evolve. That requres the deepest conservatism.

We want to improve ethnic groups and ethnic cultures by way of culture and genetics, not destroy them. This is how ethnopluralism rises affirming ethnic territories or ethnostates, and protected by some sort of federalism with shared sovereignty---with respect for ethnic differences. For example, I see no good reason why the separation of powers and states in the original U.S. Constitution could not eventually accommodate ethnic territories.

Given human nature which remains kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection, ethnopluralism is our best chance for ordered liberty and ordered evolution.

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