Wednesday, May 20, 2015

It cannot be all over for the West

The West is committing suicide. Is It all over?

Virtually all the vested interests are against the things that hold a nation together: Big Business/Big Money, the political class, the national Media, the academic world, and even the general public, all support the devices with which the West is committing suicide. They support lowering all barriers to national borders and immigrants, all barriers to national government and national identities, all of them support hyper-individualism, that is, the rights of individuals over community, language, ethnic differences, and common culture.

And so the West is committing suicide. Can anything be done?

We can't just die and do nothing. We can continue to speak the truth about real human nature, in which group-selection, which leads to group-altruism, and even to ethnocentrism, remains the primary unit of human selection, even if this has been buried by the suicidal devices mentioned above. We can group ourselves in the communities of people we want to live with, with common ties. Multicultural societies drowning in hyper-individualism do not create any real uniformity of purpose in the members of a large group---they don't share many traits, culturally or genetically, and they don't coordinate much at all.

But peaceful means, which sane people advocate, may not stop future clashes and even civil wars, as real human nature reasserts itself. Perhaps then, after the clashes, a natural ethnopluralism will form out of the dying suicidal empires. We need to try to bring this about through legal, evolutionary, peaceful means. For example, the U.S. Constitution, with its separation of powers and states, could accommodate an ethnopluralism of regions and states, protected by a light federalism.

Evolution and devolution naturally take place, but sacred life is on the side of evolution, as life evolves toward Godhood. Evolution is not so much a preservation of life as it is an increase and accumulation of intelligence, beauty, complexity, and power, leading toward the zenith of material/supermaterial evolution, which defines Godhood.

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