Monday, May 18, 2015

Why the radical Nietzschean and neopagan paths are not necessary

Christian tradition does not condemn the desire to affirm ones country and ones ethnic culture. Even St. Thomas Aquinas said we are to honor our kin and country, only in second place to God.

It is understandable that the neopagans and Nietzschean racialists see modern Christians as culturally Marxist modern liberals who have, along with postmodernism (and even neoconservatives), welcomed the destruction of national borders and ethnic identities.

The religious problem comes when only the Inward Path experience of the God or Father Within is affirmed, because the Inward Path requires rejecting and virtually abandoning the natural laws of material desire, which Jesus centrally advocated (and Buddha too). Universalism and equality are easier to swallow when you care little or nothing for the material desires of natural law and human nature, which is the necessary ascetic path to symbolically experience the Inward God.

The religious and political solution here comes when the Father Within of the Inward Path is seen as only the first glimpse, the symbolic experience of real Godhood which is reached in the Outward Path of material and supermaterial evolution. Material desires refined by conscious evolution are in fact necessary to reach Godhood in the Outward Path. But both Paths are retained in the Twofold Path of theological materialism. Conservatism can remain a viable philosophy.
This is why we do not require the radical Nietzschean or the neopagan path to restore natural law and real human nature. Real human nature remains as it has always been, ethnocentric and group-selecting, among other traditional things, and this naturally, and rationally, leads to a political ethnopluralism, which can counter the modern liberal version of Christianity and cultural Marxism, which have nearly destroyed the West.

One thing that can be done: the U. S. Constitution with its separation of powers and states and protecting federalism could accommodate ethnopluralism. Then with ethnopluralism affirmed culturally and territorially we can get on with the most sacred mission of conscious evolution toward real material/supermaterial Godhood for all ethnic cultures and groups, which is a legitimate universalism.

This is how we conserve our nations and identities, and restore and evolve Christianity, natural law, human nature and science, without radical Nietzschean goalless power drives, or neopagan reversals.

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