Saturday, May 30, 2015

Future evolutionary values

The means have been misunderstood as the object, and definitions or symbols are also misunderstood as the object. This is a problem with religion and philosophy: God or Being are not seen as real, living, material or supermaterial objects, but as non-material definitions and symbols, or blissful inward experiences, or a means only of explaining life.

We require a scale of values constructed according to an order of values representing real evolution. That is, evolution toward a physiological, material/supermaterial Godhood at the zenith of evolution. The ascent in evolution represents an increase in value, the descent a diminution or decline in value. The central dynamic is not first an increase in consciousness, pleasure, survival or power, but is the advance of evolution toward supermaterial Godhood, which contains these characteristics as secondary to the central activation of evolution.

Contrary to Nietzsche and his postmodern followers, there is a goal to power, consciousness and evolution, life is evolving toward material/supermaterial Godhood. And this need not lead to exclusivity or old imperialism since the mission of the evolutionary values defines all groups as evolving toward Godhood in their own particular ways in their own territories, helped along by international research centers, ethnopluralism and various forms of federalism.

What values are big enough for the future? We have lost the value of living objects in religion and in philosophy. Theological materialism brings Godhood back to the reality of living objects and evolution, without rejecting the old symbols, but by putting them in their secondary and reactive place in the Inward Path, and by applying the Outward Path of evolution toward Godhood.

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