Friday, April 03, 2015

The Alternate Reality of the Western Media

The United States has two main sources of news information, the politically correct and culturally Marxist liberal media (eg. CNN), and the neoconservative media of the global empire (eg. Fox News), and both spin and manipulate public opinion, and they have a monopoly on media outlets which follow their lines of propaganda. No one in the Western media is objective or reality-based, but a few, like the tiny paleoconservatives and the foreign policy realists come closer to reality, with little influence on the public, whose feelings and emotions are widely exploited by the Big Media. Both CNN and Fox News support rampaging globalism, open immigration, multiculturalism, egalitarianism, etc. etc., and they both advocate war on behalf of huge global corporations, and especially advocate war against the enemies of Israel.

The greatest influence dealers in Washington are the Wall Street lobby, the fossil fuel lobby, and the Israeli and Saudi lobbyists, who often pay off and threaten corrupt government officials and representatives to get them to take actions that are completely against the interests of our nation. Reality-based news will require much larger news and entertainment organizations than it now has, which is no small task since these hugely wealthy influence dealers control, or own, the Media in the West---and they play dirty.  But all this has to be curbed if we are to save ourselves.

Do we try to out-spin the spinners? No, I think reality will do. This mainly requires helping the public to understand real human nature. In every human culture ever studied, human nature included kin selection-preferences, incest taboos, traditional marriage, hierarchy, division of labor, gender differentiation, localism, ethnocentrism, even xenophobia, and group-selection as the main unit of selection. If the Big Western Media proposes to not include these things, and it certainly does not, the culture will not last long---it will always return to these things, and not always peacefully.

The Big Media in America and the West is actually dangerous to your family and your life, and it will help destroy the United States if we cannot counter it.

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