Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Basic difference between the Traditionalist School and Theological Materialism

The Traditionalist School, which the New Right has become so enamored with, seeks to return to a “golden age” which it believes is vastly superior to the present age, with a “purer” teaching from a purer age, whereas the conservatism of Theological Materialism includes a place for religious change, that is, evolutionary change. A motto might be: some things need to change so that important things can remain the same.

Theological Materialism retains but transforms the preliminary experience of the Inward God, found in the Inward Path of the Traditional School, to the Outward Path of material evolution, moving toward attaining real supermaterial Godhood in the cosmos.

The God of the Traditionalist school is reached through the involution or devolution of material life to the “non-material” God Within or Father Within, preached by both Jesus Christ and Buddha, and the Hindus before them. The God Within was experienced by ridding the body of all material desires. Buddha lived much longer than Jesus and had refined this ascetic technique, which could actually be used by Christians.

Survival makes gradual change in evolution necessary, and the sacred evolution to Godhood should not be blocked by the Great Spiritual Blockade attempting to go back to a desire free body and "purer age," which is really involution or devolution. Traditionalist's often don't even believe in material evolution, or at least greatly downplay it, which is a serious religious error since it is through material evolution that we can attain real supermaterial Godhood.

Satan is not material life. The symbolic occult is a mind-game only, with power only if believed. Gnosticism is no longer necessary, there is no separation or war between the material and the spiritual, there is only the primal material evolving, or not evolving, to the supermaterial.

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