Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Harmonizing with the activation beneath the surface of our lives

Sensations, thoughts, pleasure, pain, even our consciousness are less important than what is happening beneath the surface in our bodies. And the things beneath the surface are largely outside our consciousness. What I call the Super-Id, or the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood, pursues its material/supermaterial goals, activating life inwardly as life adapts to the environment outwardly with evolution. The whole of culture, the whole of our consciousness is probably developed from this activation. We create the culture that we are.

Life ascends in evolution toward Godhood and our consciousness and our cultures are healthiest, and most real, the closer they can harmonize with this activation beneath the surface of our lives. The sexual instinct is one of the highest expressions of this activation toward Godhood, as both Nietzsche and Freud pointed toward.  (Without Nietzschean philosophy there would have been no Freudian psychology)  That is, the sexual instinct is not primarily the expression of power (Nietzsche) or the selfish libido (Freud) but is primarily the expression of the activation of life toward Godhood.
This points toward a new religious psychology grounded in theological materialism. We are not only individuals and groups, we are part of the evolution of life toward higher life and eventually to Godhood. That is good news for life and for consciousness, and good news for religion.

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