Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Advantages of Ethnopluralism

The quixotic dream of complete equality between different ethnic groups is not realistic because real human nature remains very much ethnocentric and even xenophobic, with group selection as the primary unit of selection. This is a realism that must gradually arrive in the U.S. and in Europe---it has all but happened in the breakup of the Soviet Union into ethnostates, if Putin allows it to continue. The traditionalist's who moan and just bare it believing all this is human all too human, and the modern liberals who continue their multicultural fantasies, offer no real long-term solutions.

“Multiculturalism” has brought us a serious identity crisis in that we no-longer have a clear national identity, and ethnopluralism is the realistic way out of this crisis. With ethnic cultures celebrated in different regions and states, affirmed by the separation of powers and states inherent in the original U.S. Constitution, most of the battles now and in the future coming from unmelting and unassimilating ethnic groups---African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, Native-Americans, Muslim-Americans and White-Americans---can be largely avoided.  Federalism, with as light a touch as possible, can protect the whole.

The retreat into narcissism, survivalism, etc., as a reaction to the loss of identity inherent in multiculturalism is not the healthy way to go. For example, ironically, it is that very ethnocentrism and xenophobia inherent in human nature---if it is acknowledged---which can help avoid such things as the constant antisemitism we see, because when ethnopluralism and ethnostates are affirmed, than chosenness, supremacism, and imperialism, which naturally create so much angry rebellion against them, recede. Islam too needs the same reformation against imperialism and the real affirmation of largely independent ethnic states and regions. Without constantly meddling in the affairs of other people, internationally and imperialistically, and with ethnopluralism affirmed, antisemitism and anti-other groups can gradually diminish.

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