Monday, November 03, 2014

What keeps morality from being “mere survival”?

Moral values are directly related to survival values. And what is wrong with that? That is not morality “constrained” by survival, that is survival constraining morality. Otherworldly religious values can be biased against survival values, but so can secular cultural values be biased against survival. The will to power, the will to truth, the will to survival, all are driven by survival and evolutionary needs. What other foundation would you have?

Those who claim truth as being absolute in its other-worldliness are also constrained by survival values, and their truths are too. It is their truths that are relative, surviving is the real truth. Priests can even promote a form of death as religious enlightenment, ridding the body of all desires and all life to do so, but in doing so they also place themselves and their institutions in mediation positions of power.

What keeps morality from being “mere survival” is the activation of life to not merely survive but to evolve toward Godhood, activated by the Spirit-Will To Godhood within evolving life, which is shaped by the outside forces of selection and evolution. Truth is not devalued by being founded in survival and the evolution toward Godhood, what else is there in reality? Real life and evolution is good enough. Real life and evolution can be difficult, but it can also be moral, courageous, noble, sacred, and even divine.

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