Friday, November 07, 2014

What is politically hip?

Modern liberals tend to think they are politically hip, aware of the newest developments, but they are mainly sheep being herded down the path of hedonistic decline and degeneration---and hip people are not sheep. Meanwhile the so-called politically hip control governments through financial complexes. They know about and take part in the deceptions of modern democracy, but they are unhip to the forces of their own destruction. The greatest influence dealers in Washington are the Wall Street lobby, the fossil fuel lobby, and the Israeli and Saudi lobbyists, who pay off and threaten corrupt government officials and representatives to get them to take actions that are completely against the interests of the nation. In attempting to destroy all borders and all differences between people to gain immense wealth for themselves, they ignore realism and activate powerful social forces which bring down their financial empires and them with it---and that's not hip.

So what is politically hip? Those who affirm real human nature working in harmony with real cultural forces. The sociobiological sciences have shown us for many years now that in every human culture ever studied, human nature includes, among other things, kin selection-preferences, incest taboos, marriage, hierarchy, division of labor, gender differentiation, localism, even ethnocentrism, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection for successful survival. If cultural schemes propose to not include these elements of human nature, those cultural schemes do not last long and return to the values of real human nature. Most of these traits are missing in communism/socialism, post-modernism, cultural Marxism, neoconservatism, and even in the hypertrophied individualism of libertarianism.

Real human nature and human cultural history strongly tell us that having an ethnopluralism of ethnic regions and states, protected by some sort of federalism, is the structure that best allows real human nature and human culture to flourish. (For example, this could be accommodated by the U.S. Constitution which separates power and states.) These values and qualities of human nature also happen to be at the core of real conservatism---which means that changes are best brought about while bringing the new into the old in an evolutionary and not radical revolutionary way...  That is politically hip.

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