Saturday, November 08, 2014

Healthy political movement

The Tea Party in the U.S., the French National Front, the UK Independence Party, and others, show healthy political movement toward returning power from the bloated central state to the regions, states and cities, and they demand more law and order, border protection, and a stop to wild immigration, and some of them embrace economic nationalism to establish control over rampaging economic globalism, which has gutted manufacturing and labor and allowed the virtually criminal financialization of everything.

As Martin Sieff and others have recently written, the neoconservatives and neoliberals have weakened the West and destabilized the globe with their promotion of unlimited immigration, unlimited free trade, and the vain attempt to apply democracy universally, and spread as fast as possible. They need to be blocked. Can they be blocked since all the political money and power is with them now? We have no choice but to block them.

Libertarians usually don't embrace economic nationalism, and that's a problem with them, their philosophy of hypertrophied individualism has not adsorbed the importance of the primary unit of group selection in successful survival, which is deeply ingrained in human nature. This means that libertarian decentralization will not be enough, if open border, free trade globalism remains. We require tariffs on foreign products to save manufacturing and save jobs and save lives and save cultures destroyed by globalism. This is not isolationism, or anti-technology, or anti-trade, or anti-free enterprise, the mantra is not merely “think globally, act locally,” but think locally and act locally.

In the future, with national recovery, with power returned to the regions, states and cities, the political mission will be ethnopluralism, that is, the natural configuration of regions and states dedicated to ethnic cultures, which will finally be in harmony with real human nature. This will help to counter future serious social disruptions due to ethnic diversity and the natural non-assimilation of our populations. This could even be accommodated by the original separation of powers and states in the U.S. Constitution. That may be the healthiest political movement of them all.

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