Friday, November 28, 2014

Revitalized religion and psychological therapy

Nietzsche pointed out that physiological confusion can lead to psychological error. This can apply to religious, philosophical and cultural error in general. How so?

Considering the material world evil and greatly inferior to the spiritual world---including the begrudging religious okays of material life under certain conditions, due to the fact that only non-attachment from material desires leads to the experience of the God or Father Within---this is a basic and very old physiological/psychological error, other than when applied in the Inward Path.

Considering ideas more important than living objects is a philosophical error. Considering all people as equal is a cultural error. These stem from the physiological/psychological error of demeaning the material world. It is not enough for psychological therapy to try to release the individual passions and instincts with no direction other than hedonistic freedom, or with demands of equality.

Evolutionary and teleological physiological/psychological/genetic goals exist, life is activated from within by the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood and shaped from without by selection and evolution, and it is this that we need to harmonize with. We are instinctively evolving, almost as a Super-Id might activate us, toward higher species on the path to Godhood.

This is the physiological/psychological/religious/cultural way we can correct the errors. Revitalized religion and new psychological therapy can affirm this harmony, and this sacred dynamic, for all people.

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