Friday, October 24, 2014

Why the big resentment of reality by the religious mystics?

Why do the religious mystics and philosophers require a world other than the real world? Is it because there is suffering in the world? There is also satisfaction in the world, should all people judge the world as suffering because some suffer? Why this preoccupation with pain?

Healthy people don't make pleasure and pain the ultimate question, these are secondary conditions in the evolution of life. We can even be skeptical of the connection between truth and happiness, which continues to confound philosophers.

Plato didn't start this transvaluing of reality, this making concepts causes, this making the conditioned out of the unconditioned, this was going on in the East, and probably before Plato. Buddha said life equals pain! But the dangerous thing about this resentment of reality is that morality is created out of it, as Nietzsche brilliantly pointed out.

It is well overdue time for this “vaporization of God,” (Goethe) to end. The material world is not only good it is the vehicle by which we evolve to real supermaterial Godhood, the Godhood only hinted at, or feared, or hidden inwardly as a desireless state.

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