Saturday, October 04, 2014

The Mistaken Eternal---Existence is Essence

For Aristotle the eternal was wordless, but this phrase does not include the idea, which he also believed, that the eternal was without material body, or even without supermaterial body, the eternal or Being was without being, not a material or supermaterial object. Most religions and philosophies agree and in fact see the eternal as completely abstract, or sometimes described with holy words or symbolic numbers, although they usually think of it as more than this.

The concept of the eternal, like time, is not a God, not a living or dead object. Time and the eternal are only related to what happens to an existing object, time and the eternal have no real meaning without reference to an existing object.

Real Godhood is more like the Greek chronos, the word for worldly time, and not like kairos, the word for eternal time. Chronos was considered profane, which was a transvaluation of real existence by the mystics.

But there is a hierarchy that does not include the non-material at its highest point, which does not move from the material to the non-material-abstract, but moves, or evolves, from the lower material to the higher supermaterial, and eventually to a Godhood of supermaterial life, and not a non-material God unconnected to life and real time.

Why has religion become increasingly unnecessary? Life does not advance by repressing life. Religion killed itself by making its God not of this world.

Existence is essence. There is no healthy need to find dualities between essence and existence, they are never separate. The activation of material life by the Spirit-Will exists within material life as part of life and is never outside of life. They have been together since the Primordial Material was activated by the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood at the beginning of this present universe, and universes before our universe.

We need to unblock our religions and philosophies from the Great Spiritual Blockade of the mistaken non-material eternal and evolve to real Godhood in the material and supermaterial world.

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