Monday, October 13, 2014

The object of the goal of consciousness is God-consciousness in evolution

Naturalism is capable of both comprehending and attaining Godhood, whereas religion and philosophy have traditionally reached the Inward God, which is an abstraction of a desire-free state attained in asceticism. Godhood is, or can be, a real, natural, sensuous object, which has evolved to the zenith of living objects. How can a God outside of nature who does not exist in nature influence nature? A God divorced from all material things, all worldly things, is not a thing or object with real qualities anymore.

The object of the goal of consciousness in evolution is not merely human self-consciousness but God-consciousness, and not merely the God or Father of the Inward Path but the Godhood of the Outward Path of material evolution. The object is not merely superior human beings but the continuing evolution of species all the way to Godhood.

Teleology is physical, based in the reality of material evolution, not in the definition or abstraction of causes. Religious mystics and philosophers have transcended real life, or at least attempted to, in their thinking, but their thinking is on the contrary based in real sensuous life. The next stage of religion needs to include the transformation of real material life in the evolution of life to supermaterial Godhood, which was formerly too-human-centered abstraction or definition only.

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