Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Defining the religious process of conservative evolution

The concept of a thing requires one thing defining another thing, this does not mean the thing is not there if no one is around to define it, but it shows how definitions and concepts depend on who is doing the defining. A frog can't form the word for a thing like a human but can still see a thing as best his senses can see the thing. Our past concepts of God came from this procedure, it was the best we could define God at our level of consciousness and intelligence.

We attached a fixed definition to a process, the process of evolution, we usually found something familiar to define as the fixed cause, when it is really an endless process of change and Becoming more than it is Being. But we see that we also need to pause in our evolution to make as certain as we can that the new mutations evolved are beneficial. Then we continue on in the process and the Becoming of evolution. We preserve ourselves with our concepts, but it is all in the process of overcoming ourselves and evolving to new species. Oddly and incongruously this is best done as a conservative process, this pausing to secure our beneficial gains before moving forward again. It is change within order, it is conservative evolution.

Evolution toward what? Here we apply everything, reason, intellectual intuition, nothing is ruled out during the search for truth or reality. Then we define truth more like Michael Polanyi, that is, something is true if it reveals deeper meaning, if it has potential for future discoveries or manifestations, if it relates well to other truths found in other areas, and not merely because something could be true because it could be proven exactly with scientific methodology.

This is how we arrive at Theological Materialism, the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood, the Twofold Path, the Ethnopluralism Hypothesis. We are materially evolving to supermaterial Godhood in the cosmos, activated by the Spirit-Will residing within, not outside, the material world, and shaped by the outside environment of evolution and selection. We retain, in conservative evolution, the old conception or symbolic experience of the Inward God or Father Within, but it is transformed in the Outward Path of material-supermaterial evolution to real Godhood. We can all evolve in our own way, at our own pace, in ethnopluralistic regions and states, as real human nature prefers, where variety enhances evolution---and we can share knowledge with one another. 

Human beings are capable of this sacred evolution.

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