Thursday, August 14, 2014

What if principles move far away from real human nature?

Principle over party is perhaps the longer term, more humane way to operate, suggesting reform rather than revolution, but perhaps when principles move too far away from real human nature that is when revolution tends to happen. A unity of real human nature and principles seems to create the longest lasting cultures. But differences come in defining human nature, which has been no easy task.

Nature, evolution and human nature do not depend on theories, they go on with or without them, but cultures that move too far away from human nature can get in the way of nature, evolution and human nature, rather than harmonizing with them. Darwin and the Neo-Darwinism of sociobiology and evolutionary psychology have generally defined human nature more accurately, as being kin-centered, and most importantly group-selecting, and even xenophobic. Defining human nature in this more realistic way gives us a better chance of harmonizing human nature with our cultural principles.

A good culture is defined here as a favorable environment for evolving higher men and women. Religion and political theory can assist life if they have a unity with human nature, and hurt life if they do not. Heroic cultures seek to surpass what has evolved, but the better more humane movement is reformist rather than revolutionary---religion and politics are built upon traditional religion and politics, which are transformed and transcended. Peaceful change is possible, especially in America, where change is easier within the political system.

The sacred religious foundation of material/supermaterial evolution toward Godhood is the structure over which the superstructure of Ethnopluralism is built, bringing principle and practice closer together, which harmonizes with real human nature. Ethnic groups need to be allowed their own regions and states, where a light federalism can protect them internally and externally, accommodated by the original Constitution, where separation of powers and states is sacred.

Free enterprise and wealth creation have lifted America to the highest standard of living in human history, which has been greatly undervalued by New Right intellectuals, although it has become corrupted by big government and big business. Economic nationalism can protect manufacturing and jobs, but a light federalism needs to curb crony capitalism and big business as well. Small business over large business is always preferred, and small government and localism over big government and globalism is the healthiest way to live over the long term.

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