Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Political Synthesis

Life is inherently optimistic, think of how life has prevailed over endless obstacles since the beginning of the present cosmos, and so I don't think it's overly optimistic to think of a political synthesis of left and right, as Pat Buchanan and Ralph Nader have proposed.

America's corporate elite, the megabanks, and global corporations, along with their army of lobbyists, created the nationally destructive NAFTA, GATT, the WTO, and massive immigration, among other destructive things, which enriched the elite but hurt everyone else---it is stunning to realize that America did not vote on these things, corporate America paid off our Congress to do their bidding.

But this time the political synthesis needs to include the Ethnopluralist's who have seen the impossibility of merging distinct people all together in one place, and who also see the selfishness and impossibility of imperialist mono-racialism, and who therefore advocate the gradual acceptance of regions and states, or ethnostates, for each distinct ethic group living in those areas, which can be accommodated by the original U.S. Constitution, and even including a state for those who disagree.

This political synthesis can harmonize with real human nature, which is, across the world, kin-centered, gender defined, age-grading, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection. This definition of real human nature has been blocked by those who selfishly benefit from its blocking, at least in the short term.

All lasting civilizations have been grounded in religion, and the theological materialism written about here is a synthesis of traditional and evolutionary religion, and a religious philosophy which can accommodate this future political synthesis. Perhaps we can then get on with the sacred evolution of life toward Godhood.

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