Saturday, August 23, 2014

Virtues and values are not lifeless or boring in the Outward Path

At its essence the traditional virtues and values developed around seeking the God or Father Within, or truth, which required blocking or non-attachment to material desires, something that sages and monks could sometimes manage, but which was nearly impossible and also boring to most people. However, this inward symbolism of the Father Within can be retained in the Twofold Path but transformed in the Outward Path of evolution to real Godhood, which requires more than the involutionary values, it requires evolutionary values. This means that virtues and values don’t have to be boring or lifeless, although there will still be difficult elements in our long evolution to Godhood, activated inwardly by the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood, and shaped by outside nature and evolution.  Godhood remains a guide, no longer primarily as the non-material inward symbol of God, but as the outward zenith of material/supermaterial evolution. Beauty, truth and goodness remain but are transformed into living concrete ideals for living evolving life headed toward the evolution of the zenith of these things.

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