Thursday, August 07, 2014

Political and religious systems need to relate to real human nature

Marxism, and its modern version of cultural Marxism (political correctness), but also the Orthodox religions, and the modern Eurasian revival of the Traditionalist School, miss much of human nature in their worldviews. And the neoconservatives in America, who are not real conservatives, also miss much in relating to real human nature. Marxism assumes equality in all things, religion essentially rejects the material world and future biological evolution, the neoconservatives assume the rightness of imperialistic global capitalism (led by a small cabal)---and none of these relate well to real human nature.

Human nature developed many thousands of years ago, and we certainly do retain it to this day. Even the smallest change in human nature and our DNA structure, for example, in our immune system, took many thousands of years; basically we remain kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection.

The sociopolitical structure most in harmony with real human nature has always been ethnic cultures living within largely ethnic states, or “ethnopluralism” in the larger world, and against centralizing imperialism and the vain attempt at the homogenization of all the world into one people. Imperialism always breaks back down into ethnostates. Ethnopluralism can be protected with a light federalism, and it can be gradually allowed to develop, for example, with the separation of powers and states in the United States (which the original Constitution can accommodate), as well as in Europe, Russia, China etc., while avoiding radical revolution. States can slowly, conservatively, take on more of the character of the ethnic cultures living within the various regions and states. There is a place for the central government in helping to regulate international trade, and establish an army to protect the states against foreign incursions.

We seem headed toward social, ethnic and religious confrontations, which are even now naturally developing, especially in Europe, as we hopelessly try to homogenize and even force different groups together in the same living space, trying to conform to various unworkable political and religious systems which are contrary to basic human nature. If we can achieve a natural relative order by harmonizing closer with real human nature, then we can all get on with the sacred mission of evolving toward Godhood on earth and out into the cosmos, the Godhood that was only glimpsed as the Father Within in the Inward Paths of traditional religion, which can be retained but transformed in the material/supermaterial evolution of life toward real Godhood. Humans are capable of this natural behavior and evolution.

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