Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Ethnopluralism, a unity we can believe in

Most modern people seem to think that science can supply the unity which religion used to supply but without the disunity that competing religions and states created. Marxism also believed science could replace religion and create unity, although their science was not very scientific regarding human nature. Science also split into many fields of expertise which made unity very difficult.

E.O. Wilson is the sort of modern Renaissance man of science who with sociobiology did unite science in many ways with the humanities, but ironically, sociobiology supported differences and explained natural separations of mankind as basic to real human nature. Real human nature is not an artificial “bias,” as cultural Marxism (political correctness) has tried to establish. Human nature remains very much kin-centered and group-selecting, but nevertheless this is a science that can unite modern man. Globalism in all its guises is not uniting us.

The sociobiological view, if we are honest about it, leads to the logical and intuitive separation of ethnopluralism, with distinct regions and states for distinct ethnic cultures. This is the opposite of the so-called uniting solutions of modern liberalism and Marxism which try to jam distinctively different people together in the same space with disruptive results, to say the least.  A Europe of ethnostates as suggested by the European New Right (hoping they are not too fond of Empires), and ethnopluralism in the United States, can be legally affirmed by the separation of powers and states in the Constitution, and protected by a light federalism. We need to now be concentrating on how to make ethnopluralism a realistic uniting force for mankind.

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