Monday, March 17, 2014

To save itself (and the world) the United States needs to curb the neoconservatives

Newly revitalized Orthodox Christian Russia and the Islamic fundamentalists have been virtually alone in pushing back against the neoconservative globalist cabal. The neocons have been fomenting trouble in the Ukraine, reigniting the cold war, along with inciting wars with Islam in the middle east, seeking to exploit the resources and people of these lands, and introduce them the moral rot of the neocon West.

To save itself (and the world) the United States needs to curb the neocons, and return to a sane, rational, and moral political culture, one that does not go abroad as a monster in search of other nations to exploit. There is very big money behind the neocons, their crony capitalism exploits our government, so obviously it will not be easy---whoever rises will have to do so with virtually the entire Western media against them (Fox and its facsimiles are neocon).

We need to see the rise of political candidates who are economic nationalists, and who are eventually ethnopluralists revitalizing the separation of powers and states in the U.S., while defending the nation with a second-to-none defense.  Most Americans wait for this.

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