Thursday, March 06, 2014

Feeling and reasoning reality

The hope is for theological materialism and the ECC to be the result of both feeling and reasoning methods of seeing reality.

Rationality discovers reality through reason, and intuition feels reality with emotions. Could non-linguistic methods for solving problems and emotional reactions before the time when rationality was fully developed have been a superior way to make decisions, or a better way to discover reality? We need both---when both separately arrive at the same reality then we seem to be on the path to seeing actual reality.

This is why science, art and religion should not be completely separated, with each making their own attempts to find reality, we can use them all together. Modern humans tend to specialize, but reality is probable best found using all of these fields together, or at least bringing them together in the end to synthesize their findings. If this sort of Renaissance ethos can't be done by one person then individuals need to work together.  Knowing reality is vital for our survival, and our future evolution.

This is also the argument for liberal arts colleges being better than specialized schools in helping the population discover more of reality. But schools of wider learning have faded away under the tyranny of political correctness and the indoctrination of cultural Marxism. Reality has also faded.  Nihilism is not reality. Introducing sociobiology into the humanities would be a big step in the right direction, as E.O. Wilson has called for.

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