Friday, March 28, 2014

Curing cultural and religious paralysis

What to do about the tendency of the unhealthy to enfeeble the healthy? I have a different answer than Nietzsche's criticism of this phenomenon, and different from postmodernisms relativism.  The cultural Marxism of political correctness can cause this paralysis, but in a deeper way so can religion because serious religion seeks the state of beatitude beyond all material concerns, where even hatred is eliminated with non-attachment to all things other than visio beatifica, the beatific vision. This can become what Nietzsche called hemiplegia, or one sided paralysis.

How to cure this? The Involutionary Inward Path to the God or the Father Within of traditional religion can be conservatively redeemed in its denial of life through the Evolutionary Outward Path of material and supermaterial evolution to real Godhood. Alone, the Inward Path deserves Nietzsche's criticism. In the The Twofold Path the Inward God is a symbolic-experience of the Outward God attained in material and supermaterial evolution.

All moral truths are not merely tired instincts, as Nietzsche believed, morals and values which affirm our continuing evolution toward Godhood represent the natural instincts at their healthiest. And this does not even rule out altruism, which Nietzsche (and his political-economic follower Ayn Rand) wanted us to do. Altruism or group selection is seen in the natural world as the primary unit of natural selection ( recently reaffirmed by the great E.O. Wilson ) in decreasing circles outward, and individual selection follows this direction.

This can then lead us toward the Ethnopluralism Hypothesis in politics, and theological materialism in evolutionary religion---the long term way out of our cultural and political paralysis.

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