Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The answer to the errors of holistic multiplicity is ethnopluralism

Nietzsche said that humanity does not constitute a whole, pointing to the multiplicity of ascending and descending organisms. The science of evolution has confirmed this. But Nietzsche was focusing more on individualistic aristocratic radicalism than the reality of group-selection and successful survival. This is where the brilliant Nietzsche got off track while fighting against holistic ideals that preached “thus it ought to be” which buried superiority within mediocre ideals.

It is at the group level where even superior individuals find successful survival. It is the sweeping political “isms,” and most of the religions of the world that try to lay down what ought to be for a multiplicity of ascending and descending groups and states of life. The only holistic aim that I see is the biological evolution of life toward Godhood. This means seeing Nature as the expression of the most important instincts, not the least important, or even nonexistent instincts. Evolution likes variety, time, and distance. This can define the highest cultural style as the affirmation of the expression of Tirips, the inward activation toward Godhood.

Ethnopluralism is the answer to holistic ideals in the face of multiplicity. How many wars of independence and succession now (and in the future) which are agitating the world would not be taking place if ethnopluralism was prevailing? All countries can affirm ethnic cultures and groups by allowing them their own territories, states and regions, and then protecting them. The United States can do this legally by emphasizing the existing Constitution which affirms the separation of powers and states.

Then we can all get on with evolving to Godhood---and ideally we can help one another in this sacred mission.

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