Tuesday, March 11, 2014

“God the All must be subdivided”

The above title is a quote from Nietzsche, but we don't need to throw away God altogether as Nietzsche did. We evolve to Godhood, which is not one God but is a level of evolution, the stage called Godhood at the zenith of evolution and beyond, with more than one entity evolving to this stage. This evolutionary activation may be at the primeval origin of human dissatisfaction, the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood leads us on and on.

When we limit the All this way we can see also that there appears to be no First Cause---there is no more real proof for a First Cause than there is proof for no First Cause---but there are always Gods evolving, and there always have been, and there always will be Gods evolving. “Life is a multiplicity of ascending and descending organisms.” In human terms, political ethnopluralism, and protecting differences while sharing knowledge on evolving differences, harmonizes with this multiplicity.

The most sacred mission of life across the universe is to evolve to Godhood. This defines the real Godhood first seen in the revealed religions but seen only inwardly as a symbolic-experience of the Godhood reached in evolution. Subdividing the interpretation of God the All is not meant to shock sensitive souls, but it is the next healthier stage in continuing religion, it can apply evolutionary science to religion, and it is healthier, more conservative, than Nietzsche's atheistic, relativistic, aristocratic radicalism, or the prevailing cultural Marxism which has little connection to real nature or human nature.

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