Saturday, March 29, 2014

Burke Connections

I go along with the Burkean idea that government and culture need to function along with the traditions and forms of the life of society, and not only from abstract principles of justice. This is why ethnopluralism seeks to harmonize with the traditional separation of powers and states in the U.S. Constitution, without radical revolution. I have communicated with radicals, as Burke would occasionally do, but in the sense that they can sometimes be a counterbalance to the abuse of power. The Left supposedly promotes the weak and the Right the strong, but we need the balance here which Burke thought was central.

In religion this balance is seen in the synthesis of the Twofold Path, with the Inward Path to the God Within of traditional religion included in the Outward Path of material evolution to real Godhood. This reforms Christianity, which has been a failing institution at the heart of Western culture, rather than rejecting Christianity.

Burke thought politics had to be adjusted to human nature more than to reason, and I agree, but definitions of human nature need to be revitalized by sociobiology, which sees human nature as kin-centered, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things,with group-selection as the primary unit of selection.  This tends to affirm ethnopluralism, the separation of powers and smaller states, protected by a light federalism. But religion needs to be naturalized toward theological materialism to be more in harmony with nature, the cosmos, and who we really are, and what Godhood really is.

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