Monday, March 31, 2014

Beyond the self-divination of man

It is true that men rejected God and made humanity God, but before that man made the Inward God a God, or they defined the Father-Within as God, and man rejected, or left undiscovered, the natural Godhood reached in material evolution. The church was still needed to mediate between the God Within and humanity, but then virtually all forms of God were rejected and the church was not needed at all.

Either way, whether it is man without God, or man with the God Within man, it is the self-divination of man that is the problem. The Inward Path to the God Within man tends to be satisfied with the bliss of experiencing the God Within, and modern man without God tends to think only of improving divine man, the species, and not surpassing man and evolving to new and better species. Both are man-made blockades against evolving to real Godhood.

Man needs to be seen not as divine, and not only with divinity within man, man needs to be seen as evolving toward real Godhood in the cosmos. The Evolutionary Outward Path of material and supermaterial evolution to Godhood needs to supersede, but not replace, the concept of man himself as divine, as well as superseding but not replacing the Involuntary Inward Path to the God Within.

Sunday, March 30, 2014


It's usually good news when the marauding economic globalists dislike something, and they certainly don't like the trend toward deglobalization which has been taking place since the debt crisis of 2008 (which was caused by them).

Rana Foroohar of Time magazine recently reported that trade talks are increasingly becoming more regional and local, companies are moving production back home. 21% of all manufacturing firms in the U.S. are actively “reshoring”, and 54% say they are considering it. The U.S. has even shrunk its deficit a bit due to the shale-oil and gas boom, we are buying less foreign oil.

Markets that converged globally, largely to enrich a few globalists at the expense of everyone else, are increasingly diverging along national lines. Free movement of money and goods across borders have been bumping up against trade barriers.

This is all good. It has always been economic nationalism which has made individual nations grow richer---the whole nation. Yes, it is more tricky geopolitically and diplomatically, but far better for all of us economically and culturally.

The question is, can this deglobalization be sustained, or will the global marauders continue to buy more powerful politicians than the economic nationalists can overcome? Trends are good in any case.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Burke Connections

I go along with the Burkean idea that government and culture need to function along with the traditions and forms of the life of society, and not only from abstract principles of justice. This is why ethnopluralism seeks to harmonize with the traditional separation of powers and states in the U.S. Constitution, without radical revolution. I have communicated with radicals, as Burke would occasionally do, but in the sense that they can sometimes be a counterbalance to the abuse of power. The Left supposedly promotes the weak and the Right the strong, but we need the balance here which Burke thought was central.

In religion this balance is seen in the synthesis of the Twofold Path, with the Inward Path to the God Within of traditional religion included in the Outward Path of material evolution to real Godhood. This reforms Christianity, which has been a failing institution at the heart of Western culture, rather than rejecting Christianity.

Burke thought politics had to be adjusted to human nature more than to reason, and I agree, but definitions of human nature need to be revitalized by sociobiology, which sees human nature as kin-centered, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things,with group-selection as the primary unit of selection.  This tends to affirm ethnopluralism, the separation of powers and smaller states, protected by a light federalism. But religion needs to be naturalized toward theological materialism to be more in harmony with nature, the cosmos, and who we really are, and what Godhood really is.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Curing cultural and religious paralysis

What to do about the tendency of the unhealthy to enfeeble the healthy? I have a different answer than Nietzsche's criticism of this phenomenon, and different from postmodernisms relativism.  The cultural Marxism of political correctness can cause this paralysis, but in a deeper way so can religion because serious religion seeks the state of beatitude beyond all material concerns, where even hatred is eliminated with non-attachment to all things other than visio beatifica, the beatific vision. This can become what Nietzsche called hemiplegia, or one sided paralysis.

How to cure this? The Involutionary Inward Path to the God or the Father Within of traditional religion can be conservatively redeemed in its denial of life through the Evolutionary Outward Path of material and supermaterial evolution to real Godhood. Alone, the Inward Path deserves Nietzsche's criticism. In the The Twofold Path the Inward God is a symbolic-experience of the Outward God attained in material and supermaterial evolution.

All moral truths are not merely tired instincts, as Nietzsche believed, morals and values which affirm our continuing evolution toward Godhood represent the natural instincts at their healthiest. And this does not even rule out altruism, which Nietzsche (and his political-economic follower Ayn Rand) wanted us to do. Altruism or group selection is seen in the natural world as the primary unit of natural selection ( recently reaffirmed by the great E.O. Wilson ) in decreasing circles outward, and individual selection follows this direction.

This can then lead us toward the Ethnopluralism Hypothesis in politics, and theological materialism in evolutionary religion---the long term way out of our cultural and political paralysis.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Virtues of the Twofold Path

Nietzsche believed that the classical ideal affirmed all the more important instincts and that Christian morals were anemic morals. The strengthening affirmations of life in Paganism, said Nietzsche, were impoverished with the denial of nature in Christianity.

In Christianity, the Involutionary Inward Path experience of beatitude (called Enlightenment in the East) allows not even a hint of the desires of the world (sin) because complete detachment from the world is required for this blissful experience. This necessarily puts the forces of life and the instincts under the ban of the Inward Path to beatitude.

How does the Twofold Path reconcile this duality between life and non-life? Not by rejecting religion as Nietzsche did, which led to all kinds of philosophical chaos. The Involutionary Inward Path is seen as the symbolic-experience (blissful as it is) of real Godhood reached through the Evolutionary Outward Path of material and supermaterial evolution.

The Pagan virtues (from the Greeks) of prudence, justice, courage and temperance were in any case introduced into the Christian virtues of faith, hope and charity, perhaps because they were necessary for living real life. But to bring nature and religion together more is needed. This means including the virtues required in our material and supermaterial evolution to real, not symbolic, Godhood. Improving the qualities of intelligence, beauty, and good character are needed. Higher consciousness and intelligence allow us to better advance in our upward evolution toward higher species of existence, and eventually to Godhood. The Twofold Path of theological materialism does this within the Ordered Evolution of tradition.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


The awkward word “ethnogeography” describes better than “geopolitics” the political dynamics of the world now and in the future. Globalism, with the elites in the West thinking that they could control the world, was a quixotic dream causing far more problems than it solved.

The bonds of blood, of ethnic groups, as we have been writing about here regarding the Ethnopluralism Hypothesis, along with the natural territories they live within, are, as always, the real movers and shakers of human behavior. We need to harmonize with this natural ethnogeography, which is actually happening now in spite of the dreams of the global elite, in the Ukraine, the Middle east, East Asia, Africa, etc. We also see it in the various rising separatist and secessionist movements in the West.

Decentralization of the globe, along with trying to maintain the standard rules of civilized law, is what we need to be supporting. Ethnogeography realistically establishes boundaries that can achieve whatever real harmony is possible in the world. Even in the United States decentralization back to the regions and states of the original Constitution needs to be connected to ethnogeography, within a light protecting federalism. We need to let people gather together in the groups they prefer to live with—group selection remains the primary natural unit of selection---and stop trying to block this behavior with damaging dreams of globalism, or world consumerism with a culturally Marxist twist, which only advances a tiny few in the short term.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Human nature and the Deniers

Philosophers of art and politics have too often been like shyster lawyers creating clever diversions explaining odd and problematic outsider ideas rather than centering on the actual basis of human nature---although I suppose some lawyers actually believe their client is innocent. As Denis Dutton points out, the natural universal center of human nature is where theory needs to ground itself, cross culturally.

The biggest lie is defining human nature as strictly a consequence of social institutions and as a cultural product, which now prevails throughout politics and the arts. This continues in the face of the latest science of sociobiology which shows that even the brain our genes built can be broken down into genetic modules which best suited our Pleistocene ancestors.

The Pleistocene made us what we are today and only when we admit this knowledge into politics and the arts will we have healthier cultures. We simply are kin-centered, mostly ethnocentric, even xenophobic, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection, among many other traditional traits. These are universal traits in human nature that almost ironically point not to universal, egalitarian, borderless cultures, but suggest such politically incorrect things as ethnopluralism, economic nationalism, perhaps held together with federalism---and art which, at its best, affirms what each group holds sacred.

It's overdo time to go there, even if the deniers continue to try to divert us with their hair-splitting.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

From the city invented by the ancient Greeks, to the Roman Empire, and back to Ethnostates

In a review in Chronicles of Pierre Manent's ideas, Jack Trotter describes Manent's idea of the city in ancient Greece as originally becoming the place where the many are persuaded to submit to, while at the same time being given a share in, the values of the descendants of Homer's aristocratic warriors---and in this discovery of the “common thing” the city is born. This may be understood as the domestication of war through the discovery of political justice, justice meaning the standard of value in the quest for the common good. The later Roman expansion into empire was not so much the abandonment of this form of the city as its “monstrous distention.” Then Cicero extended the bonds of fellowship to the whole human race at the service of a universal morality.

Earlier Aristotle had thought of the civic bonds as developed “in a community that is real...that can be seen, named and touched." Later Montaigne advised men to be guided by “our natural condition,”since he believed that finding the best form of society was only an “altercation fit for the exercise of the mind.”

If we put these various thinkers together, (a) the development of the common thing from the struggle between the many and the few, (b) the community as seen and touched of Aristotle, and (c) the natural condition described by Montaigne, they point toward definitions of human nature which have been gradually revived by sociobiology. That is, a human nature affirmed throughout human history as being kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among many other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection. This can in fact suggest ethnopluralism as the “best” form of society, developed within nations or within old fading empires, with each small ethnostate protected in their independence by a light federalism. We can go from the city invented by the ancient Greeks, to the Roman Empire (or the American Empire), and back to, at least, virtual ethnostates. It so happens that real evolution has usually worked best with such variety, so this form of society can also define progressive change within conservative protection.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Our Ordered Evolution

Plans for improving life through evolution can never forget the old conservative wisdom that culture needs to be adjusted not merely to reason or science but to human nature, of which reason is by no means the greatest part, as Edmund Burke cautioned. Ordered Evolution is the watchword. Reform not revolution. The way people are, their traditions, the way they live, ethnic groups, these need to be seriously included in any thoughts of change.

Real evolution also needs to include variety, a variety of ethnic groups living in a variety of territories, each with their own bio-cultural trajectories. Class differences? It is improving the qualities of intelligence, beauty, and good character that are looked for, and these traits can show up anywhere. We need sociobiologists and geneticists to help guide us in our higher evolution, always adjusted to real human nature. Cooperation between groups even in competition is the other byword, as we all evolve toward real, not symbolic, Godhood.

This is how we, gradually, bring ourselves out of the various nihilistic blockades, the one-track world-hating religions, short-term consumer passions, declining people and cultures, which cover the modern world.  With the Twofold Path we retain the old Inward God, but it is reached in the Outward Godhood of material and supermaterial evolution...The world is not quite ready for this, but it will be, if we can survive our present dilemmas.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Ethnopluralism and the New Right in France

The New Right in France needs to be given credit for their realistic way of looking at the modern world, understanding that ethno-cultural groups need to live in freedom, separately if possible in different states and territories. Also, as Lucian Todor reminds us in Counter-Currents, the New Right in France has been advocating federalism for some time, based on principles of subsidiarity, granting autonomy to regions and local political structures. This can also mean democracy. Benoist has said that ethnic, cultural and racial differences coincide with organic democracy and with recognition and respect for differences.

I would hope that the New Right would not drift too far toward Radical Traditionalism which also has a concept of the federalist state, as Tudor says, but who grant far more authority to the central ruler, which can then bring the same old problem of a state too big and too bureaucratic to rule localities without using great force. But more importantly, the religious philosophy of Radical Traditionalism ultimately traps adherents in the same life-denying Inward Path as other traditional religions, giving virtually no importance to evolution, biological or otherwise. This is the Inward Path of the Buddhist type, which Nietzsche said leads ultimately to “the perfect cow” content with experiencing the personal bliss of the Father Within. As in the Bhagavad Gita, real life, even war, is "lived" as if enduring the duty of the unreal, hoping to be released from it all.  We evolve to Godhood materially and supermaterially in the Evolutionary Outward Path. The Inward Path to the God Within is only a symbolic-experience of Godhood reached by evolution---and  future politics needs to keep this in mind.

Although they tend to dislike America a bit too much, the New Right in France should  be given credit for their realistic way of looking at the modern world, mostly ahead of everyone else.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The primary and secondary object of evolution

Science sees only random evolution, and religion doubts the evolution of men and religious cultures. I see the secondary object of natural selection as incorporating genetic traits in individuals that will help produce an increase in survival and inclusive fitness, and also with the cultures they create. But I also see the primary object of natural selection as the evolution of life all the way to Godhood in the cosmos, with starts and stops along the way. Mere survival or even successful survival is not enough to explain our destiny. I see the zenith of the natural instincts as the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood activating life from within in a primary way, which then works along with secondary natural selection to increase survival success as we evolve... Religion and science can finally harmonize in this way, but at this time they both remain uncomfortable with this worldview.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The answer to the errors of holistic multiplicity is ethnopluralism

Nietzsche said that humanity does not constitute a whole, pointing to the multiplicity of ascending and descending organisms. The science of evolution has confirmed this. But Nietzsche was focusing more on individualistic aristocratic radicalism than the reality of group-selection and successful survival. This is where the brilliant Nietzsche got off track while fighting against holistic ideals that preached “thus it ought to be” which buried superiority within mediocre ideals.

It is at the group level where even superior individuals find successful survival. It is the sweeping political “isms,” and most of the religions of the world that try to lay down what ought to be for a multiplicity of ascending and descending groups and states of life. The only holistic aim that I see is the biological evolution of life toward Godhood. This means seeing Nature as the expression of the most important instincts, not the least important, or even nonexistent instincts. Evolution likes variety, time, and distance. This can define the highest cultural style as the affirmation of the expression of Tirips, the inward activation toward Godhood.

Ethnopluralism is the answer to holistic ideals in the face of multiplicity. How many wars of independence and succession now (and in the future) which are agitating the world would not be taking place if ethnopluralism was prevailing? All countries can affirm ethnic cultures and groups by allowing them their own territories, states and regions, and then protecting them. The United States can do this legally by emphasizing the existing Constitution which affirms the separation of powers and states.

Then we can all get on with evolving to Godhood---and ideally we can help one another in this sacred mission.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Why Evolutionary Realism in Art

Art is an imitation of some sort, as Aristotle thought, but more importantly art values the thing represented, the content of the thing represented. For example, great art is often an affirmation of the sacred as defined by the culture. In traditional or classical art, low art it usually a less sophisticated version of high art. In modern times most art is minor or low art which usually negates or denies the sacred.

Realism remains the best way to affirm the sacred, but then Evolutionary Realism takes into account change within the Ordered Evolution of life, which is the authentic conservative perspective. Unrealistic art can of course affirm the sacred but it is less suited to reaching the people and the culture with its message.

Hume thought the principles of taste are generally uniform in human nature but human nature is capable of corruption, systematic mistakes, and ethnic differences (for more on this see the excellent “The Art Instinct” by Denis Dutton). Without human nature, judgments on art would collapse into personal preferences---interesting that postmodernism has rejected human nature and rejected essences and therefore promotes a complete relativity in taste.

Life never ceases to evolve toward ascending levels of Godhood, with stops and starts along the way, and Evolutionary Realism seems best suited to affirm this sacred mission in culture.

Monday, March 17, 2014

To save itself (and the world) the United States needs to curb the neoconservatives

Newly revitalized Orthodox Christian Russia and the Islamic fundamentalists have been virtually alone in pushing back against the neoconservative globalist cabal. The neocons have been fomenting trouble in the Ukraine, reigniting the cold war, along with inciting wars with Islam in the middle east, seeking to exploit the resources and people of these lands, and introduce them the moral rot of the neocon West.

To save itself (and the world) the United States needs to curb the neocons, and return to a sane, rational, and moral political culture, one that does not go abroad as a monster in search of other nations to exploit. There is very big money behind the neocons, their crony capitalism exploits our government, so obviously it will not be easy---whoever rises will have to do so with virtually the entire Western media against them (Fox and its facsimiles are neocon).

We need to see the rise of political candidates who are economic nationalists, and who are eventually ethnopluralists revitalizing the separation of powers and states in the U.S., while defending the nation with a second-to-none defense.  Most Americans wait for this.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

When did affirming human nature become evil?

It probably began with the ancient religious duality favoring the spiritual over the material. This was a theological error: the inward spiritual path to the God or Father Within is only the symbolic-experience of the real Godhood reached through material-supermaterial evolution.

In out time, egalitarianism, internationalism and heterogeneity have taken the place of homogeneity and ethnic differences, under the ubiquitous banner of modern liberalism, which also calls real human nature evil. The political error of modern liberalism represses basic human nature, which remains as it has been for tens of thousands of years, that is, kin-centered, tending to be ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection.

Ethnopluralism, which directly affirms real human nature, will rise in contention with modern liberalism.  Liberalism has been exploited by those who rise to power on the denial of human nature.  And various serious abuses of one-race imperialism have helped make the affirmation of real human nature virtually an evil thing, that is, the affirmation of human differences and the protection of diverse ethnic states.

But real human nature is on the side of the ethnopluralism hypothesis, and this will gradually and naturally help it rise. In the United States the separation of powers and states can even accommodate such an ethnopluralism, which could eventually save the nation from civil and ethnic strife.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Contrary to Nietzsche, Nature is not aimless

In the wild notes of his masterpiece, “The Will To Power,” Nietzsche thought that the idea of Nature was invented by Nature-enthusiasts with little knowledge of what he describes as the terrible, implacable and cynical elements of Nature. Nietzsche sees the Christian ideals as having been read into their notions of Nature. But then Nietzsche proceeds to read his own ideals into Nature as being terrible, implacable, cynical, and aimless. He writes of “the aim that seems to have crept into the evolution of man.”

But there is an aim in Nature seen in the evolution of life from the simple to the complex, from unconsciousness to consciousness, with stops and backward goings along the way. This indeed means reading aim into Nature, and I go one further, material and supermaterial life is evolving all the way to Godhood in the cosmos. This can also mean a revitalization of the revealed religions, which Nietzsche loathed. The aimless Will To Power is really the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood activating life inwardly, and shaped by outside evolution. The God or Father first seen inwardly is the Godhood reached outwardly in evolution...Science may one day back up the idea of a long term aim in Nature, and is already beginning to, for example, in the work of Francis Heylighen.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

In spite of postmodernism there is a straightforward and stable human nature

When old Terence said “I am a man, and nothing human is alien to me,” he was talking about universal human nature. The science of sociobiology has been offering good definitions of human nature for some years now, which are not all that different from traditional definitions of human nature.

All humans have the same impulses of human nature, but as Denis Dutton suggests in writing of Hume, human nature is also prone to mistakes, corruption and different dispositions ethnic and otherwise. Having different dispositions, foibles and corruptions does not mean that, say, beauty is only in the eye of the beholder, because there is a straightforward and stable human nature which includes the variations.

If we remove the mistakes, foibles and dispositions ethnic and otherwise, we arrive at something like the definitions of human nature which are repeated in this blog: that is, even the smallest change in human nature and our DNA structure, for example, in our immune system, takes hundreds of thousands of years---we remain kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things,with group-selection as the primary unit of selection.

Our cultures need to unite with real human nature, they tend to do so anyway over time. This is why ethnopluralism, with small states, and protecting differences, is the healthy way to go.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Are the effects of globalism irreversible?

Are the effects of globalism irreversible, the destruction of manufacturing in America, the indifference to borders and diversity, etc. etc.? I see no national politician addressing these issues. Pat Buchanan was desecrated by militant neoconservatives, and he is in his seventies---and he seems to have groomed no successor. The neoconservatives are not conservatives, they are leading the globalists charge. Libertarians mostly want open borders and unfettered global economics. We need to trade with the world of course but backed by a fair trade economic nationalism, not the so-called “free trade” which benefits the self-interest of the one percent at the great expense of the nation.

We can have innovation and creativity of course but it needs to be within the traditions created by real human nature. Modern liberals and neoconservatives can try to ignore the past and claim only the future, but they can't ignore human nature, which inevitably creates various forms of small, virtual ethnostates, with ethnopluralism, which always regenerates out of the wreckage of imperialism and globalism. This is why Marxism was doomed and why the politically correct cultural Marxism which rules the West is also doomed. The use of force only slows down for a bit the natural devolution of empires.

But still, it would be nice to see a national politician with the courage to address these issues, they are in our future, one way or another...To answer the question: the effects of globalism are reversible, sooner or later.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

“God the All must be subdivided”

The above title is a quote from Nietzsche, but we don't need to throw away God altogether as Nietzsche did. We evolve to Godhood, which is not one God but is a level of evolution, the stage called Godhood at the zenith of evolution and beyond, with more than one entity evolving to this stage. This evolutionary activation may be at the primeval origin of human dissatisfaction, the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood leads us on and on.

When we limit the All this way we can see also that there appears to be no First Cause---there is no more real proof for a First Cause than there is proof for no First Cause---but there are always Gods evolving, and there always have been, and there always will be Gods evolving. “Life is a multiplicity of ascending and descending organisms.” In human terms, political ethnopluralism, and protecting differences while sharing knowledge on evolving differences, harmonizes with this multiplicity.

The most sacred mission of life across the universe is to evolve to Godhood. This defines the real Godhood first seen in the revealed religions but seen only inwardly as a symbolic-experience of the Godhood reached in evolution. Subdividing the interpretation of God the All is not meant to shock sensitive souls, but it is the next healthier stage in continuing religion, it can apply evolutionary science to religion, and it is healthier, more conservative, than Nietzsche's atheistic, relativistic, aristocratic radicalism, or the prevailing cultural Marxism which has little connection to real nature or human nature.

Monday, March 10, 2014

How the spiritual world, not the material world, can be misleading

Various thinkers seem to agree that Aristotle liked it best when the laws of men (nomos) unite with the laws of nature (phusis), but the laws of nature seem to provide the ultimate principles for Aristotle, the naturalist.

The creations of the human mind are within nature, and that includes religious philosophy. Plato and the Hindus thought that nature, including human nature, are subordinate to spiritual Forms, they thought that nature, and the creations of human nature---even great art---were misleading because they were really an imitation of the nonmaterial spiritual forms.

It was the spiritual world that was misleading. Duality is not necessary, but it is the material that subsumes the spiritual and not the other way around. Laws, spiritual or material, define things, objects, and are secondary to the objects they define. Laws are expressed by material minds and are within material minds. What was formerly thought of as spiritual is at best supermaterial.

The old ideas on spirituality denaturalize laws, values and reality, and so the laws of men escape, or think they escape, the laws of nature. What was once seen as God, or sacred Forms, was the involutionary God or Father Within, which needs to be seen as only the symbolic-experience of real supermaterial Godhood reached in material and supermaterial evolution. In the Twofold Path, the Inward Path leads to the Outward Path.

Saturday, March 08, 2014

Addressing the Moral Rot

It is politically incorrect to say it but it was largely the loss of religion in the West, ie. Christianity, which brought the moral rot we see all over today. But not only modern liberalism rejected religion, the less political sciences also looked disdainfully at religion, even those which tend to support traditionalism, such as sociobiology, anthropology, and genetics. Look at today's hits in music, film, television, books, but also in high art, and in much academic work, the moral rot is widespread, and we all know it---is there any need to count the ways?

However, what we don't ever hear from religious people is that much of this has to do with the deep discounting of materialism and material life by religion, especially by the more serious sages and thinkers in religion, who center on the Inward Path to the God-Within or Father Within, which can only be reached by thoroughly unattaching oneself from material life and the desires of life. This has gradually led to the denaturalization of morals and values and allowed material culture to go largely unattended and open to the rejection of religious morals and values.

This is why the Twofold Path, the Involutionary and Evolutionary Paths to Godhood, are redeeming of the times. The Evolutionary Outward Path of material and supermaterial evolution to Godhood unblocks the Great Spiritual Blockade against material life, which means necessarily addressing the moral rot, since a keen interest in material life, evolution, and culture is required if we are to evolve to Godhood, the Godhood which was first only symbolically-experienced in the Inward Path of religions.  It remains true that no culture ever rises or lasts long without religion.

Religion is not going out of fashion, but what religion offers to people will change. I think evolution, material and supermaterial evolution to Godhood will be the next offering of religious philosophy in the centuries ahead.

History does repeat itself but in a slightly different way---which really means history doesn’t repeat itself, it resembles itself. Religion in the future will resemble past religions. I think the Twofold Path: Evolutionary and Involuntary, is such a change, bringing the past Involuntary Path forward into the future Evolutionary Path.

Friday, March 07, 2014

How the Evolutionary Outward Path is primary and the Involutionary Inward Path is secondary

In the deep duality of the Hindu principle of correspondence (and perhaps also in the tree of life of the Kabala), every phenomenon, every thing, seems to be associated with an “immaterial” power, but not merely associated or corresponding with an immaterial power, every thing is actually the very immaterial power. These formless roots can be perceived eventually when material desires are blocked or unattached to by the sage, hence the sage can then perceive sacred “emptiness.” The emptiness is sought first as a principle, as Evola says, or an image of a principle, that is a yantra or mandala, which is supposed to relate to the forms assumed by the powers in the subtle plain. In Tantra what is sought is the realization that everything is the Spirit, or Shakti, “truly all of this is Shakti.” “Duality” is this way overcome.

What is sought in Hinduism, and in the more serious paths of all the revealed religions (many of which seem to have derived in one way or another from Hinduism), is not the real, living, material or supermaterial object of Godhood, which needs to be evolved to, but symbols and principles that in fact do not exist in the material or supermaterial world---however they can lead to the blissful condition of emptiness, nirvana, heaven, the Father Within, if the various ascetic disciplines for achieving nonattachment to material desires is attained. This is the Involutionary Inward Path, and the sole concern of the more serious paths of the revealed religions. The God Within is reached by a Great Spiritual Blockade or nonattachment to material and even supermaterial desires.

But there is another path, the Evolutionary Outward Path, where the primary goal is evolving to real Godhood in the material and supermaterial world. This is not symbolic, this is not a principle, and not the blissful human experience of complete emptiness of objecthood, this is not the spiritual blockade of material desires, this is real Godhood reached in real life by way of evolution toward the zenith of material desires, which is Godhood, or the zenith of success in survival and reproduction. The Spirit-Will within material life activates life to evolve to Godhood, and then life is shaped by outside evolution. This is the only way for the Spirit-Will to attain Godhood, that is, riding within the vehicle of material and supermaterial evolution---the Spirit-Will is never outside of material or supermaterial life---duality does not enter the worldview.

In the Twofold Path both paths can be applied, tradition is not abandoned, but the Evolutionary Outward Path is primary and the Involution Inward Path is secondary, with the Father Within seen as a symbolic-experience of the real outward Godhood reached by evolution. This defines the real "transvaluation of values" needed.

Thursday, March 06, 2014

Feeling and reasoning reality

The hope is for theological materialism and the ECC to be the result of both feeling and reasoning methods of seeing reality.

Rationality discovers reality through reason, and intuition feels reality with emotions. Could non-linguistic methods for solving problems and emotional reactions before the time when rationality was fully developed have been a superior way to make decisions, or a better way to discover reality? We need both---when both separately arrive at the same reality then we seem to be on the path to seeing actual reality.

This is why science, art and religion should not be completely separated, with each making their own attempts to find reality, we can use them all together. Modern humans tend to specialize, but reality is probable best found using all of these fields together, or at least bringing them together in the end to synthesize their findings. If this sort of Renaissance ethos can't be done by one person then individuals need to work together.  Knowing reality is vital for our survival, and our future evolution.

This is also the argument for liberal arts colleges being better than specialized schools in helping the population discover more of reality. But schools of wider learning have faded away under the tyranny of political correctness and the indoctrination of cultural Marxism. Reality has also faded.  Nihilism is not reality. Introducing sociobiology into the humanities would be a big step in the right direction, as E.O. Wilson has called for.

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Moral rights and the self-preservation of a people

Moral rights need to be connected, or reconnected, to the self-preservation of a people, but this reality is often disguised, even to the participants themselves, with elaborate claims of universalism in moral rights usually removed from the subject of biological preservation. Perhaps it was the case where only such tricks and subterfuges were thought possible to bring success. Even war is waged claiming abstract universal moral rights.

It is overdo time to naturalize morality and rights. Nietzsche, who I think was the first sociobiologist, called for this 100 years ago. But this time the naturalization of morality needs to be accomplished without Nietzsche's aristocratic radicalism, which favored individual superior men with a sort of libertarianism that did not pay enough attention to the reality of group selection as the primary unit of selection---we certainly need superior people, but individuals alone do not survive or prosper yet alone evolve.  Humanity is so numerous now that cooperative competition between different groups and states is necessary---the imperialism of one people over others brings the whole world up in arms against them, which doesn't lead to imperial success.

Much of the humbug regarding morality and rights needs to be seen for what it really is, the self-preservation of those who promote the humbug. Today the humbug of political correctness or cultural Marxism rules Western culture, disguising the wills to power of the nontraditional individuals and groups promoting it. Ordered change, Ordered Evolution, not radical revolution, can bring forward the naturalization of morality and rights, backed by sciences such as sociobiology. This is the way we can save ourselves from the tricks and subterfuges which are causing the chaos and decline that we are increasingly experiencing.

The whole of humanity is made up of naturally dissatisfied wills-to-survival success, which lives instinctively within the heads and bodies of all people, and this is why some form of ethnopluralism is the most natural configuration designed toward fulfilling, not blocking, these basic natural instincts, which have led to the creation of culture itself.  Then humanity can get on with the sacred mission of evolving toward Godhood out into the cosmos.

Monday, March 03, 2014

The Ethnopluralism Hypothesis

We still have the innate dispositions of our ancient ancestors, as Denis Dutton points out, we still universally prefer savanna landscapes innately (the Savanna Hypothesis) with trees and a river running through it, because this was the landscape that gave us the best chance of survival during the 80 thousand generations or so of the Pleistocene when our human nature developed (Socrates only goes back 120 generations). This leads to what I might call the Ethnopluralism Hypothesis: ethnopluralism is the universally preferred social configuration we innately prefer---if we are honest---in accord with human nature, because human nature remains universally kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things,with group-selection as the primary unit of selection.

Political correctness, cultural Marxism, and modernism in general go directly against these natural traits of human nature, which is why they don't last long or work well. These distortions are promoted by individuals or groups who seek to dominate by promoting these counterfeit views. Some people genuinely make what they believe is a rational decisions based on the idea that we may survive best by promoting egalitarianism, but this inevitably ends up being like forcing two fighting children together in the school yard rather than separating them to create a more lasting peace. The best we can hope for, given human nature, is cooperative competition, and this is possible, because it does not go against who we actually are as instinctive human beings, yet allows for rational cooperation.

The Ethnopluralism Hypotheses suggests that cultural Marxism wont last for long and we will go back to cultural and political behavior in accord with human nature, which is ingrained emotionally and even aesthetically, and it also happens to be the best rational choice for the future survival and evolution of all groups, not just one group. Empires always break back down into regional small states, which are virtually ethnostates, where ethnopluralism naturally develops, protected by some form of federalism.

Sunday, March 02, 2014

Human freedom, liberalism, and religion

In speaking of human freedom Claude Polin (Chronicles, Feb. 2014) is right in saying that the suicide of the West has everything to do with men thinking they have unfettered freedom, when men are only as free as human nature and the order of nature allow. Modern liberals believe that they are congenitally free to do anything they please, realizing, perhaps, that they cannot be free if they are “enslaved” to anything, including their own nature. This is why Polin sees “absolute individualism” as the real plague of the West.

For those who cannot affirm a God creating human nature and the laws of nature, the evolutionary sciences such as sociobiology have also underlined a human nature to which we are unfreely connected. We have some freedom within the determined paths of human nature, and we can believe in progress, without believing in the unfettered freedom of modern liberalism, because we are in the process of evolving toward the ultimate progress of Godhood, materially and supermaterially, in the cosmos. “First causes” are not even required when Godhood is seen as the zenith of our evolution in nature. We can harmonize with the laws of nature and evolution, which can help determine the laws of men.

As men are prone to arrogance, even religion went too far beyond knowledge and truth in declaring that it knew the laws of God and the laws of the universe, to which it said we must obey, and so as human knowledge evolved this arrogance had much to do with the rejection of religion. But religion can return when the largely involutionary traditional view of God is seen as a first symbolic-experience of the evolutionary path to Godhood which we need to attain, shaped by outside evolution. This return can be seen in the Twofold Path of theological materialism. The new can synthesize with the old in an Ordered Evolution.  Perhaps even the liberals could affirm this kind of freedom, even if they have the problem of having declared the biological origin of any cultural behavior politically incorrect, supposedly because they think it fetters their imaginary freedom, or license.

Saturday, March 01, 2014

The way back from the suicide of the West

As Chilton Williamson put it writing about James Burnham (Chronicles Feb 2014), postmodern liberalism has established multiculturalism, inclusivism, unitarianism, (or cultural Marxism), in the belief that people, races, cultures, nations are all the same, which is causing the suicide of the West.

This is accurate, but to replace it with neoconservativism (not Williamson's choice), and so-called free trade---which is the exploitation of everyone by the international, one percent, global corporations, who include the same values of multiculturalism, inclusivism, unitarianism, (or cultural Marxism), and the belief that all people are the same---is not the answer to the suicide of the West. The main neoconservative difference from postmodern liberalism is in backing the global corporations with the U.S. military, and a preference for Zionism.

Pat Buchanan has most of the solutions to the suicide of the West, beginning with the return to economic nationalism, bringing manufacturing home again, and putting tariffs on foreign imports---trade with the world, yes, but fair trade more than free trade. But Buchanan has not as yet promoted ethnopluralism, although he has acknowledged the growing separatist movements in the world. Perhaps the Christian belief in us all being the same spiritually is behind the hope of assimilation.

Ethnic cultures with distinct ethnic traits always end up forming into their own units, formally or informally, and the Constitutional separation of powers and states in America, protected by a light federalism, is the workable conservative format for a future American ethnopluralism. Human history has always moved this way, empires always decline into ethnopluralistic regions and states, which are the most natural political configuration given human nature. Human nature remains as it has been since it developed in the Pleistocene many thousands of years ago. We remain kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things,with group-selection as the primary unit of selection.