Friday, May 31, 2013

The Religious Sociobiology of the Twofold Path

It might appear oxymoronic but it seems to me that a religious sociobiology fits the balancing requirements of unifying the individual and the collective in modern times.

20th century psychologists and philosophers centered on the individual, understandably being scared away from collective myths by the selfish and deadly collective myths of World War Two. But this abandoning of the collective has led to the disruptive divisions and alienations of modern times.

There has always been a tension between the individual and the group and the same tension seems to exist between science and religion. The evolutionary science of sociobiology has affirmed, or reaffirmed, the primary unit of selection as the group (see E. O. Wilson) and it seems to me that this can revive or affirm  unifying collective myth-religion to help heal the divisions and alienation of hypertrophied modern individualism.

I affirm the evolutionary religion of the Twofold Path of theTheoevolutionary Church where the unifying myth-religion is the evolution of life to Godhood in the cosmos, and where individuals are not ignored and can be meritocratically selected to help lead us in our collective evolution to Godhood. A realistic path can be found toward the cooperative competition of groups, with a unifying myth-religion to affirm it.

The God seen inwardly and individually is included and transformed in the universal outward evolution of all groups toward Godhood in their own particular ways. The unifying evolutionary myth-religion of the Twofold Path can work within regions and small states which affirm cooperative competition, protected by a light federalism. Sociobiology supplies universal scientific knowledge by which particular cultures can be interpreted universally, and the evolutionary religion of the Twofold Path is added to complete a more organic unification.

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