Monday, May 13, 2013

Speculating on future educational philosophy

Considering educational philosophy from the Ancient Greeks with their education of an elite, to Christian education in the middle ages, to the economic utilitarian education of the present bourgeoisie, what is next, what is best?

I think of bringing philosophical sociobiology into the humanities along with theological materialism. This could deflate present culturally Marxist elitism, but it could also counter the pervasive utilitarian education-for-economic-profit, while keeping the practical technical schools for the great majority. The idea is to continue the classical idea of creating higher men and women, but open to all, this time centering on sociobiology, culture fair intelligence tests, and psychometric techniques available to help us better understand human abilities and evolution. Genes do relate to culture and it is outrageous that this fact is largely blocked in modern culture.

Cultural leadership can synthesize philosophical sociobiology and religion. The sacred goal is the evolution of life to the highest intelligence, beauty and character, which defines evolving to Godhood in the cosmos...perhaps this will be the next religion, which includes the traditional Inward God of Christianity and other religions transformed to the Outward Godhood of evolution.

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