Thursday, February 21, 2013

Why and how nature and human nature sanctions religion

To revise or alter an idea of Nietzsche's, the philosopher should recognize what is needed, art should affirm it, and religion should create it.  Early Nietzsche's hope for philosophy and art cannot really create religion, although they have tried.

People often feel existentially alone, individuated, which makes people sad, or can be even tragic. Such lonesomeness can cause suffering which puts people in need of family, group and religion, for the comfort and redemption they can or should bring. Group selection is not merely cultural, it is in our bones, genetic, without it we are uncomfortable, unfulfilled, instinctively we feel that our safety and survival may be at stake, even if we are not completely conscious of this.

People don't always share the same knowledge, we have different abilities which divide us, there are various distinction of class and culture even within the same group which can make us feel alone. Individuation is in this sense unnatural, we have a natural need for the group. This is why the group is justified by nature, as natural to helping human nature better survive, and this is explained scientifically by sociobiology, which brings biology into the origins of cultural behavior.

This helps explain why religion can unite us, at least regionally, and even universally in the broader sense of the human species evolving to Godhood. It is religion more than early Nietzsche's hope for art and philosophy that can best give life meaning. Religion helps direct our actions, preserve our horizons, unify our experiences, provide the link to the sacred with a transfiguring goal, and persuade society to embrace these goals. This is all justified on natural grounds, nature gives us the warrant for these standards, religion begins or should begin with organic life.

To take nature out of religion ruins religion. Life in nature is activated by the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood within material life which creates a “telos” from man to Godhood, then life is shaped by natural evolution. This is why and how nature and human nature sanction religion.

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