Wednesday, February 20, 2013

On becoming the role one plays in religion

One can become the role one plays in the actions, rituals and ethics of ones religion, so the religion one chooses can become a vital choice. Psychoanalytical individuation moved us inward, away from group-religion. Individual psychology seems to have been at least in part an overreaction to the overbearing, outward-going, political/myths of the early 20th century, and in the case of the comparative mythology of  Jung and Eliade almost new religion.

The revealed religions are essentially inward religions. When they do make bows to outward material life it is usually condescendingly, believing that the people they help with charity, etc, really don't understand how unimportant materiel life is, as seen in St. Paul's attitude toward marriage. If the Hindu's affirm different stages of life and different castes, there is little doubt that the life of the monastic mystic is the most sacred life to live.

The Evolutionary Outward Path moves out front of the Involutionary Inward Path in the theological materialism of the Evolutionary Christian Church, where our evolution to Godhood becomes the foundation of the religion and the myth, while still retaining insights from the Inward Path. The new synthesis of sociobiology, with its affirmation of group-selection as the source of altruism within the group, leading to success in survival---for all groups not just one group---has been important in bringing real science back to religion, not to bury religion but to praise it.

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