Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Religion-and-science as truth

Generally I believe in the concept of “science as truth,” but I feel more comfortable with “religion-and-science as truth.”  This sounds oxymoronic but is not for me. Science is like a creative mechanic and religion like an artistic engineer.

The science-based field of sociobiology, which examines the connections between biology and culture, needs to be included far more in all our cultural decisions. The opposition to this great field by religion, education and government need to be overcome. Not applying solid knowledge on human nature and society from sociobiology is almost like flying blind.

I believe that enlightened intellectual intuition can bring truths as valid as science, science only affirms truths they can empirically prove.  Religious truths have been too extraordinarily holistic to be accurately classified. But much depends---perhaps too much---on the person making the judgments. Even so, I still rely on the synthesis of religion and science, difficult as that is.

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