Monday, February 11, 2013

Unity In the Sacred Goal

Religion can be defined as the Will-To-Godhood, or Tirips, become conscious, philosophical, artistic, political, scientific.

Traditional religion tends to be anti-naturalistic, but the projected Theoevolutionary Church (TC), with its theological materialism, is naturalistic. Walter Kaufmann pointed out in his insightful book on religion and philosophy that traditional religion says you will be holy because your God is holy, or it says you will not be holy so therefore you must worship what is holy. The TC and theological materialism says you will be holy and attain Godhood because Tirips activates all life to evolve to Godhood, working along with natural selection and evolution.

This evolution is not a disenchantment with the material world or a seeking to escape beyond it, the material world is the means by which we evolve to Godhood. There is hope in this world. Godhood is not something other than the world, Godhood is the zenith of evolution in the world. 

The ancient Inward Path of the great religions saw God inwardly by the method of blocking out this world, by blocking out all the desires of the flesh so as to see the Father-Within.  The Twofold Path of the TC includes the Inward Path but only as the first ancient glimpse of what Godhood will be like when attained in the Evolutionary Outward Path.

I would like to see all the fields come together in religion, that is, philosophy, art, politics, and certainly including science. In ancient times, before Homer, religion did this and it offered man lasting satisfaction, a work of art was a work of religion, the best kind of art.

Unity of the Will-To-Godhood, or Tirips, not necessarily intellectual agreement, can unite the world of separate people and separate states. Each people, each state, has its own way, its own anthropology, yet mankind can be united in evolving on earth and in the cosmos toward Godhood. Tirips is shaped differently in different environments by evolution. Humans are capable of  cooperating through knowledge shared in this great mission.

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