Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cattell's suggestions for improving democracy

Cattell rightly called it “nonsense” the idea that democracy, or even communism, are not controlled by “elites.” Here are some ideas he had for improving democracy, even though we now seem to be moving in the opposite direction.

To deal with the problems that come from the present situation, where a gardener with a slight criminal record can cancel out the vote of a brilliant and moral citizen:  have tests for voter sanity, crime, and general knowledge, and perhaps even owning property. Voters could be trimmed to 60% of voters.

Raise the voting age back to at least 21 years of age.

Have more scientists in congress and far fewer lawyers who now make up the vast majority. In our increasingly complex world, democracy should consult with experts.

Teach sociobiology in our schools which will give us better informed citizens, and more journalists with better backgrounds for influencing the public.

We could afford vital sociobiological or social psychology research centers by trimming the fat, eg. drinks, yachts etc.

And of course, there is Cattell's long-term hope of improving the intelligence of the people by encouraging their genetic selection, which unfree China is now doing with full speed. The problems that we desperately need to solve will require greater intelligence and ethical character than we now have.

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