Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Why we create our own institution within the corrupted West

Who Destroyed the West?

William Lind has brilliantly and clearly pointed out how “political correctness,” which is really cultural Marxism, destroyed Western culture over the last 50 years.

When the communist revolution was not supported by the workers of the world, Gramsci, Lukas, Horkheimer, Benjamin, Adorno, Fromm, Reich and Marcuse, among others, known as the Frankfurt School, decided this was because the workers had been too blinded by Western culture and Christianity, therefore the new Marxist strategy was to culturally destroy the West and Christianity so that the communist revolution could take place in the West.

This has been largely accomplished in the West, with big help from the universities and the media. New strategies such as “Critical Theory” were developed where anyone was called a “fascist” if they did not agree with the political correctness of cultural Marxism. It was also decided (eg. Deconstruction) that history was determined by which groups had power, such as men, women, races, religions, etc. rather than history being determined solely by who owned the means of production. A generation of university educated elites fully absorbed this perspective in their lives, promoting the idea that white males and evil religions were fascist oppressors.

So what is to be done? Can we separate ourselves from the cultural Marxism that rules our culture? Can we take back our institutions? Can we build our own  institutions alongside the corrupted institutions? Many conservatives, and others, have seceded, with homeschooling, small farms and generally thinking locally rather than globally. Lind points out that in a way this is using Gramsci's strategy of a “long march through the institutions” by creating our own long march to create our own institutions.

Certainly the Theoevolutionary Church follows this policy of creating our own institution within the corrupted world.

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