Monday, July 30, 2012

Harmonizing inward and outward man

Cycles of cultural history seem to relate to the way inward and outward man connected. The pagan religions seemed to emphasize outward man, the revealed religions emphasized inward man and sought the God Within or the Father Within, although they both contained inward and outward man.

Atheistic science was like a return to outward man, perhaps beginning in the Renaissance rediscovery of the pagan Ancient Greeks and Romans. The Enlightenment, and then Locke and his followers, could be thought of as returning to inward man in the sense of affirming the individual autonomous man, even though traditional religion was somewhat undermined. Whereas the later reaction of Romanticism could be thought of as a return to outward man, first emphasizing the individual hero, and then the nation. Locke's inward man led to democratic reforms, Romanticism led to positive national pride as well as negative totalitarianism.

It is inadequate for religion to essentially affirm only the inward God and inward man, our evolution to real Godhood in the Outward Path needs to come forward and be understood---the outward real Godhood which we evolve to, is the fulfillment of the inward virtual God, first seen in the inward path of the great religions.  For this reason religion needs to relate to outward sociobiological and political transformation as well as inward transformation.

History no longer needs to relate only to a single man, or single people, or single state, it is religion which can now embody the spirit of the people in our evolution to Godhood---we are all evolving to Godhood. Real evolution on the path to Godhood can take place best with a variety of diverse people and diverse states, which suggest thousands of states or ethnostates across the world, ideally signaling to one another new discoveries, in cooperative competition, with the independence of the small states protected by a light federalism---and guided voluntary by the church.  Humans are capable of this. 

The Twofold Path in the religious philosophy of the ECC is the long term way to harmonize inward and outward man.

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