Friday, July 20, 2012

Revitalizing God, the Soul and the Spirit-Will

In transforming religion, the ECC and theological materialism have been giving new meanings to old religion, and giving new meaning to various philosophers and thinkers. What I have been attempting to do is what St. Thomas Aquinas did in a more systematic way---he adapted Aristotle toward meaning things he did not exactly mean, he arguably expanded Aristotle, and other thinkers.

This is revitalization, not radicalism, which leads away from revolution. I have been impressed with the wisdom of traditional conservatism which keeps the feet on the ground, whereas science and intellectual intuition are liberating.

Plato believed that the Soul, as the first mover, was God, and he saw many Gods or many Souls within all of life. The problem with this polytheism is that the Soul is not God. The mover, or activator, is the Spirit-Will, which is also not God. The Spirit-Will seeks Godhood by activating material life to evolve to Godhood.

The Soul is experienced at the zenith of the human mind where, after severe ascetic blocking of material desires, we can experience the God-Within, or the Father-Within, as a virtual God, a virtual Father, which is a glimpse of what real Godhood is like at the zenith of evolution. This is the Involutionary Inward Path to the Father-Within.

In the Twofold Path it is the Evolutionary Outward Path which leads to real Godhood, reached by material-supermaterial evolution, activated by the Spirit-Will within all living things. The Spirit-Will activates, and evolution shapes the path of evolution. This is where life has been going, this is where we are going, this is where future species are going.

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