Sunday, July 01, 2012

Definitions of the Will compared to the Twofold Path

Schopenhauer sought to negate the blind will, as the great religions did in their highest forms. Nietzsche sought to free the will which he defined as the will-to-power.

The Twofold Path of the Theoevolutionary Church (TC) redefines the Will as the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood. Once the Spirit-Will has activated life---all life---then the shaping of evolution takes over. The Will is therefore not amoral or blind, it has a goal, it seeks Godhood by riding within the vehicle of life which it activates, all the way to Godhood, yet the path to Godhood is shaped by sometimes seemingly random evolution.

Even so, the negation of the Will is certainly not forgotten in the religious philosophy of the TC, it is retained in the Involutionary Inward Path to the Father Within, which was the first glimpse of Godhood seen in the great religions, and now understood to be reached through the Evolutionary Outward Path to Godhood in the cosmos. The old is included in the new in a conservative---therefore not revolutionary---Ordered Evolution.

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