Saturday, July 07, 2012

The sacred source of valuing and ethics

A living object's life is the source of it's valuing, but to fully understand this valuing we need to fully understand the object itself, what it is, what makes it work and live.

Life itself is activated by the Spirit-Will which ultimately seeks Godhood in evolution through the vehicle of material evolution. Evolution shapes, often randomly, what the Spirit-Will activates.  Godhood is the Spirit-Will's supreme attainment and its supreme desire, Godhood is absolute or eternal representation, supreme success in survival and reproduction.

Ethics can alter depending on the evolutionary stage of development, but the goal of Godhood remains. Sin and virtue are not merely regressive archetypes of unchanging behavior, love of evolution and love of future generations needs to be included. Whatever furthers evolution is good, what does not is bad.  

But that said, evolution in no way excludes conservatism, tradition can lead to Ordered Evolution, radicalism can destroy evolution. The Twofold Path includes the traditional Involutionary Inward Path to the Father-Within, this was the first virtual glimpse of Godhood, which in reality is reached in the Evolutionary Outward Path. Evolution not revolution is advocated in this sacred evolution.

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