Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Universal, specific and personal ethics unified

The universal, the specific, and the personal can describe the three unified divisions of ethics. Evolutionary natural selection takes place at the specific group level but works along with universal and personal selection.

Central ethics derive from the needs of the specific group, then universal and personal ethics follow the lead of group ethics. For example, an ethics of universal federalism along with the specific small state ethics within the federation, and then individuals within the state also compete with one another within the boundaries of group ethics, as group success helps individual success.

One can see the danger to these three connected ethical divisions which can come from totalitarianism, anarchism, imperialism, etc. Light federalism with small states, or ethnostates, like good parents, encourages the independence of each child, it does not favor one child over the other, and it separates squabbling children to keep the peace.

Democracies have problems with envy and demagoguery, but as Raymond Cattell pointed out, "many-voiced democracies" make violent revolution less likely, and with a Constitution like that of the United States, progress can be achieved in an evolutionary, not revolutionary way, by amendments to the Constitution.  But revolutions do happen.

Long term evolution of the human species, with the sacred mission of evolving to Godhood, needs the slower changes of controlled evolution, with the stability of Revitalized Conservatism, not revolution. The new needs to be attached to the old, as the higher cortex of the human brain was attached to the lower brain, without completely replacing it.

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