Friday, April 20, 2012

Limiting future wars

It appears that territoriality arose to protect food sources (see “The Social Conquest of Earth," E.O.Wilson), and group selection and ethics emerged as the successful way for individuals within the group to retain food sources and retain their territories, over other competing groups.

The overpopulated world seems to assure more and more competition for food and other resources which means more territorial battles. Also an abundance of food allowed the relaxation and lowering of territorial standards which increased populations density, and that increased disruptive competitions from within.

Total imperial state control of resources over large territories between often unlike people can only be managed with great suppression and constant revolts, therefore, cooperation in the form of many small states, or even ethnostates, protected by a light, but strongly protecting federalism, seems like the best way to prevent future battles for resources and territory. Without the protecting federalism, imperialism and various attempts at supremacy will try to overrun small states.

Better to have little squabbles from little states, often along with cooperation and the sharing and trading of some resources, where population control seems more naturally structured by available resourceful within the boundaries of the small states.  The Founding Fathers of the United States Constitution seem to have had something like this in mind.

Beyond the evolutionary advantages in having a variety of small states, with dysgenic wars limited, progress toward Godhood can continue in a variety of ways with an Ordered Evolution.

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